FOT Opening Night: Coming Out of This World… Why and How?

The Bible tells us that we must leave this rotten world of Satan behind and that we are instead pilgrims, strangers and ambassadors for Christ. The consequences for us in regard to the evils of this world and what is in it, including selfish desires, its politics, corrupt leaders, false philosophies, terrible wars and deceiving religions are wide-ranging, but many are confused about God’s directives. Likewise, our desire for God’s Kingdom to be restored on earth can be overshadowed and clouded, if we are not careful, by the knowledge of the pain and suffering which the Great Tribulation will bring first. It is vital for our salvation that we have the right understanding in this regard.
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How to Love our Country

Are we to love our country in which we live… to be true patriots? If so, what does this mean exactly, and what does it not mean? Many have a wrong concept of true godly love, and this program will give you answers to many misunderstood ideas.

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Strangers in the Night

According to the Bible, true Christians are strangers and pilgrims in the darkness of this world. But while they are in the world, they are not to be of this world and of the night. Rather, they are to be lights shining in the darkness. What practical consequence should that have for us?

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Political Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

The decision of the US Supreme Court, to grant “gay and lesbian Americans” the “right to marry as any other couple,” has been viewed as dangerous political manipulation, which violates the clear language of the Constitution and the declared will of the founding fathers. President Obama and Hillary Clinton enthusiastically welcomed the decision, but until recently, they had strongly opposed same-sex marriages. Former Governor Mike Huckabee called the ruling an “out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny.” Time magazine wrote that orthodox Christians are now “exiles in [their] own country,” and that the Supreme Court declared the “decline and fall” of America’s “social, political and legal order.” What can Christians do in light of such abominations?

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