Obeying Trump to Launch Nuclear Strike?

Adm. Scott Swift, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, said he would launch a nuclear attack against  a foreign country, if ordered by President Trump, stating that every member of the US military has sworn an oath to obey the Commander in Chief. This is the same reasoning which was employed by German officers for obeying Adolf Hitler. What is wrong with this rationale in the eyes of God and the Bible? Can a true Christian be a nationalist, defending his country, “whether right or wrong,” and fighting in his country’s wars?

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Why Europe Supports the Anti-Israeli Iranian Regime

Astonishing details have been revealed about Israel’s readiness to attack Iran in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and why it did not happen then. Iran is still determined to obliterate Israel, and the question must be asked why countries are supporting a deal with Iran even though they know about Iran’s intensions. Could it be that prophesied economic interests, especially in Europe, are the determining factors?

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