Limited Version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Takes Effect

With the controversial decision on the revised travel ban, the United States Supreme Court has set the stage for much more drastic and troublesome events to follow. What exactly is permitted and prohibited regarding tourists, business people, family members and refugees? Will citizens from European nations be affected in the future? The Bible shows us that TERRIBLE times of hostility are just around the corner.

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The World Condemns Trump—Why?

America is in turmoil. In less than two weeks, President Donald Trump, due to controversial executive orders, has turned the world upside down. This program discusses in detail his order and its practical application pertaining to refugees, immigrants and non-immigrants from designated countries, which has been described by some as a Muslim travel ban. Great uncertainties developed regarding green card holders and persons with dual citizenship, as well as persons with non-immigrant visas.  Major American tech firms oppose the order, as do many Jews and virtually all countries around the world. Federal Courts have issued temporary restraining orders pertaining to most of the new rules, but will they be followed? Especially the European reaction has been very forceful, which is telling in the light of biblical prophecy.

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God’s Viewpoint on Transgender and Homosexual Individuals

Bradley Manning says that he is a woman and requests hormone therapy or sex-reassignment surgery. Students in California public schools can now choose their gender. California and New Jersey prohibit gay-conversion therapy for those under age 18. Chris Christie states that homosexuality is not a sin, and that gay people are born that way. Germany is the first European country allowing parents to opt out determining their baby’s gender to allow their children to choose later in life whether to become male or female. What does the Bible say about these developments?

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