The miraculous 70 years existence of the State of Israel… what’s next?

When the modern State of Israel was established 70 years ago, most did not give it a chance of survival. Today, it is viewed as an extraordinary accomplishment. This did not happen by accident. God gave several prophecies for our time declaring in advance that there would be a prosperous State of Israel prior to Christ’s return. However, the Bible also shows that disaster, occupation, defeat and captivity are decreed to occur very soon for the State of Israel because of their many atrocious sins.

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Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital… Now What?

Dangerous, risky and unnecessary… that was the almost unanimous reaction of the world’s politicians and leaders to Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his intention to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But what DID President Trump actually say in his speech… and what DIDN’T he say? What will the REAL consequences be… especially, when we consider biblical prophecy?

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Trump Angers Israel–No Move of US Embassy to Jerusalem

Donald Trump’s signing of a waiver that delays, if not prevents, the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, and that in violation of his clear promise, has upset and angered Israelis and Evangelicals alike. It shows again the major disagreement and sharp differences between Israel and the USA. In addition, another political and highly controversial player, Turkey under dictator Erdogan, is trying to get control over the Temple Mount and eastern Jerusalem. Watch the special video at the end of this program.

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Satan’s Attack in Orlando

The demonical terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, must be strongly condemned by every true Christian. At the same time, we must be careful that we do not fall into Satan’s trap who may induce us, due to our justified sympathy for the many victims, to support the entire homosexual lifestyle. In addition, evidence is building that the jihadist was himself gay or had “gay tendencies”– a development which the left-liberal press would like to suppress. Our free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” makes clear that God will punish severely the senseless acts or terrorists and mass murderers.

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Why the Hatred for Israel?

Israel stands condemned. Anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews can be again observed worldwide. This program gives you some truly shocking examples and explains from history why there is continuing war and strife in the Middle East, and what constitutes the only solution for peace in that region.

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LGBT Pride, Gay Parades and the Bible

An openly transgender priest and an openly gay priest speak in the US Episcopal Church. Catholic Nancy Pelosi asks San Francisco Archbishop Cordileone, not to participate at a march for traditional marriage, as some of the participants might show hate or disdain for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. President Obama designates June as LGBT Pride Month. The US Embassy in Tel Aviv raises a rainbow flag to show America’s support for the celebration of LGBT Pride Week and the biggest gay parade in the Middle East. Those who dare to criticize these developments are labeled as despisers of mankind and in violation of democratic values. Did you know that God condemns all of this very strongly in His Word, the Bible?

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