Could There Be Another 9/11?

While the free world has celebrated the assassination of Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan, the frightening prospect of a repeat of 9/11 has been raised in the press, and it was stated that President Biden, due to his “disastrous” and “appalling abandonment of Afghanistan” and his “monumental failure,” “has now exposed the US to a potential whole new world of pain and bloodshed at the hands of the very same terrorists who brought down the Twin Towers in 2001.” Why is this so, and is a repeat of 9/11 possible, likely or even inevitable? What does the Bible say?

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America’s Afghan War and Isolation

A “new strategy for lasting peace in Afghanistan” was announced, but how likely is it that we will ever see peace in that part of the world? Pakistan has reacted very aggressively to President Trump’s proposal, while a nuclear confrontation with North Korea is still looming. America’s allies are distancing themselves from the USA , and Stephen Bannon’s ouster and his “declaration of war,” coupled with a united revolt of US generals and admirals against the President, are of great concern.

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Nuclear War Between North Korea and the USA?

Many feel that the most recent economic sanctions by the UN Security Council will not halt North Korea’s nuclear power program. But what can America do, short of a military strike, which would be a devastating move? Is it possible that North Korea could attack American territory, like Guam, and American cities? Does the Bible give us any hints?

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Coming–Nuclear War With No Survivors?

Jesus Christ told us that an unparalleled time of disaster would strike this planet which could eradicate all life on earth. Many feel today that nuclear war is inevitable… that it is not a question of “if,” but of “when,” killing billions of people. The Hill wrote on May 15 that the world may be on the “threshold of a ‘new nuclear age'” where “the likelihood of nuclear use is greatly increasing.” The Bible prophesies worldwide nuclear war. But there IS hope for us!

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2017–a Dangerous Year

2016 ended as it began–with uncertainty, fear, violence and tremendous upheaval. It appears that 2017 will be worse. Are the dark days of the 1930’s upon us, as Prince Charles warns? Are “things falling apart” and is “mere anarchy loosed upon the world,” indicating the Second Coming of Christ, as the Catholic Church in England suspects? Has the world “turned upside down,” as Angela Merkel stated? A grim picture emerges, when we contemplate worldwide terrorism, global Islamist extremism and ISIS, Donald Trump’s USA, the UK’s Brexit, coming elections in France, The Netherlands and Germany, as well as events in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, Putin’s Russia, China, North Korea, Japan and the Philippines. Are we really that close to the Great Tribulation and the annihilation of mankind?

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Why the West Is to Be Blamed for ISIS Terror Attacks

The ISIS terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium, have reinforced the conviction of many observers that the Western world has utterly failed in its fight against radical Islam. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are at the forefront of blame and criticism, especially regarding their mishandling of the “disastrous” migrant crises, the “uncontrollable” war in Syria and the “ill-advised” Iran deal. How did Western leaders contribute to the rise of ISIS? Will we see further terrorist attacks in Europe and in the USA? In this program, we show you from the Bible WHY we find ourselves in such a precarious situation. We also offer you a free booklet, explaining Old Testament prophesies for our modern time.

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The Whole World Is on Edge!

2015 was a “horrible and depressing year.” This program gives a short overview regarding terrible events in the world, the USA, Europe and the Middle East, and raises the pertinent question as to whether we can expect any better news in 2016. Most commentators and global powers are pessimistic, pointing out that the “whole world is on edge” and comparing it with a sick “patient.” They say that America’s “future course is far from settled,” and while Europe’s “aim must be a joint European army,” many Germans fear that Angela Merkel “is plunging the country into chaos.” Even lying demons are raising their voices about the future of the world, desiring to deceive gullible people. What DOES the future hold?

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Coming… A Unified European Army!

For a long time, Europe has been dreaming of a mighty united army, capable of intervening in “trouble spots” and becoming an undefeatable military force.

Now, in light of perceived Russian aggression, an unprecedented migrant crisis, and unparalleled terrorist attacks in Europe with ongoing real threats of future attacks, the realization of Europe’s desire for a powerful army and unified military action has drawn nearer than ever before. Also, voices in Germany for military involvement overseas are getting stronger.

The Bible says that these are important steps towards the fulfillment of end-time prophecies.

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A New Order for the Middle East?

The Bible prophesies that when the US falls, Europe under German leadership will rise. This programs gives you up-to-date information on America’s declining influence in the Middle East and around the world, and Germany’s ambitious plans for a new order for that part of the world, citing security concerns for Europe. We are also addressing the potential of the return of the monarchy in Germany. We are offering you three of our free booklets related to this program, dealing with biblical prophecy.

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Why the Hatred for Israel?

Israel stands condemned. Anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews can be again observed worldwide. This program gives you some truly shocking examples and explains from history why there is continuing war and strife in the Middle East, and what constitutes the only solution for peace in that region.

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