Killing Sunday-Keeping Aliens?

In our last StandingWatch program, titled, “Killing Sabbath-Keeping Aliens,” we spoke about the science fiction movie, The Tomorrow War, pointing out that these hostile aliens were keeping and resting on the seventh day—the Sabbath—and had to be destroyed. The question arose whether the reference to the seventh day—the Sabbath—was not actually a reference to Sunday. Is Sunday the biblical Sabbath? What is the Truth?

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Our Unrighteous World–Our Religions

We have a hotchpotch of different religions and religious beliefs which are divided and estranged, but all of them proclaim that they show us the way toward salvation and eternal life. Is this really the case? What is their origin, and what does the only one and true God tell us about the only way to salvation?

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Our Unrighteous School- and Education- Systems

What is the origin of our modern education- and school- systems?  Do they help us to understand the Truth? What does the Bible tell us about human wisdom, ethics and philosophy? What are some of the many wrong concepts which our children are being taught in school? What can parents do to counteract the oftentimes devastating influence which our children experience in school?

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Catholics and Protestants… Divided or United?

About 500 years after the Reformation, the Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations or Evangelicals are still divided. But how divided are they really? In this program, we discuss eight major divisions, while showing that Catholics and Protestants are mostly unified in doctrine and practice, which are opposed to and in violation of the Word of God, the Bible.

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Rebellion in the Christian Church?

The results of a worldwide survey for Catholics reflect a devastating disagreement between teaching and practice. This can also be observed in most other churches in mainstream Christianity. But who is right, and who is wrong? Is it right or wrong to divorce, to use contraceptives, to have sexual relationships outside of marriage, or to endorse abortion, self-sex marriages and homosexual practices? While Pope Francis is viewed as a reformer, retired Pope Benedict is “the fixed star of the traditionalists” in the Catholic Church, “setting the standard” for them today. What does this all mean, also in light of the prophesied “false prophet” to manifest himself within traditional Christianity in the next few years?

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