Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship

Do we realize how much Germany has already embraced a dictatorial system? This program gives some examples about Germany’s autocratic school system, from schools to governmental officials to judges, punishing and persecuting parents who are willing to follow God and obey His commandments. Most Germans are in support of the government’s dictatorial conduct, and the war against minorities on so many different levels  is escalating on a frightening scale. What can the induvial Christian do?

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Will September 11, 2001 be repeated?—Comments on News and Prophecy, September 11, 2021

Is the threat of a terrorist attack on American soil greater now than “it’s ever been”? What does the Bible say about the possibility that the events on September 11, 2001, will be repeated? ? And is President Biden’s new “unconstitutional” mandate for vaccinations, combined with mean threats for the unvaccinated, a desperate attempt “to distract from his shameful, incompetent Afghanistan exit” and “morally disgraceful decision”? Can today’s development be paralleled with “scapegoating” “religious minorities in Medieval Europe” and after “the fall of Rome”?

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US Government under Attack regarding Israel, Afghanistan, and its Vaccination Policies—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 7, 2021

Due to Iran’s and Hezbollah’s attack on Israel and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the situation in these areas is getting more and more precarious and devastating. The USA is largely blamed for the developments. We also observe fear-mongering in many countries regarding Covid-19, including in the USA, with medical recommendations and governmental measures and mandates continuously changing. Opposition, demonstrations and resistance in the USA and Western nations are growing. How will governments in those countries respond?

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Israel at the Brink of a Catastrophe?

Israel is being ruled by an unruly government … a coalition of totally divided parties which only became united to get rid of Netanyahu. This coalition has no chance of success or survival, and the first hick-ups have already been noticed. But the disunity and ultimate anticipated failure of Israel’s government could have wide-ranging consequences.

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President Biden Faces Many Problems

This program explores the almost countless problems President Biden is facing on many different levels. From international problems regarding Haiti, Cuba, Afghanistan, Mexico, Iran, Russia and Germany; to national problems regarding vaccination issues; and to several personal problems, it seems that there is no end in sight, and that matters will only get worse.

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“Measles Outbreak”–Blaming the Unvaccinated?

The Press and Newscasts are making a meal of the story of “measles outbreak” in the USA. Scientists and lawyers argue that parents who don’t vaccinate their children should go to jail; that they always commit a tort; and that they are making a negligent, unreasonable and reckless decision under the law. President Obama stated that there is no reason to not vaccinate, while Senator Rand Paul wants to give parents the freedom to decide. What are the facts? Are vaccines harmless? Are they always effective? Why do properly vaccinated persons contract measles? Should we accept the position of those who oppose vaccination for religious or medical grounds? What are some of the reasons, and who are among those who decide against vaccination?

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