America’s Sexual Confusion and Its Unethical House Committee—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 11, 2022

America is today plagued by sexual confusion; an incredible economic crisis; an incompetent leadership; and unethical proceedings by a sham-and farce committee. In addition, Russia keeps threatening Europe; Europe shows its true colors of conquest towards the USA; and the woman riding the beast is back. Are we prepared for the next major event?

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The World in Turmoil-Comments on News and Prophecy—January 8, 2022

Europe and especially Austria, France, Italy and Germany are becoming more and more autocratic and dictatorial, but this is also true for other democratic nations, including Australia, Canada and the USA. While Russia has been anxious to “help” the dictatorial government of Kazakhstan by sending troops into the troubled region, controversial information and opinions are being disseminated from many different sources within the USA, including from some US Supreme Court Judges. Further, after a relatively short calm, the fight and exchange of strong accusations between Biden and Trump have again reached dangerous proportions.

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When Does God Allow Abortions?

Alabama passed a near-total ban on abortion. Other states have approved bans under certain circumstances. Then there are those states which allow abortion under any and all circumstances. Ultimately, the US Supreme Court is bound to decide the issue, re-visiting its 1973 landmark decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationally. How does God look at the matter of abortion? And what do the Christian teachings about Born Again, Sexual Relationships and Predestination have to do with the concept of abortion? Our free booklets on these topics will give you the answer.

The TRUE FACTS about America’s Birthright Citizenship

Much has been written and said about the idea of ending America’s birthright citizenship, and both the law and reality have been misrepresented and misconstrued by the media. What DOES the Constitution say, and HOW did the US Supreme Court understand the 14th Amendment, dealing with birthright citizenship? Could it be revoked via executive order or Congress? Is it even perceivable that it could end through federal legislation or a constitutional amendment? And even if that were possible, what might the consequences be? Issues like these continue to divide the nation, and the ensuing emotional upheaval results in more and more verbal and violent confrontations and actions. The Bible shows us what the terrible and frightening outcome will be.

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Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?

Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data? But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.

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No More Religious Freedom in the USA?

The decision of a U.S. District Judge in Kentucky to jail County Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious beliefs manifests ongoing and increasing religious persecution in America. Politicians who say that Davis has to obey the law of the land do not seem to understand the complexity of the matter. Numerous examples will be presented in this program, showing that individual religious freedom is under attack and violated on a constant basis. The trend will continue, being pursued by a relentless tiny minority which is determined to impose its will on a silent majority. But whom are we to obey more–man or God?

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Political Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

The decision of the US Supreme Court, to grant “gay and lesbian Americans” the “right to marry as any other couple,” has been viewed as dangerous political manipulation, which violates the clear language of the Constitution and the declared will of the founding fathers. President Obama and Hillary Clinton enthusiastically welcomed the decision, but until recently, they had strongly opposed same-sex marriages. Former Governor Mike Huckabee called the ruling an “out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny.” Time magazine wrote that orthodox Christians are now “exiles in [their] own country,” and that the Supreme Court declared the “decline and fall” of America’s “social, political and legal order.” What can Christians do in light of such abominations?

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