America’s Armed Forces in Big Trouble

Pope Francis said that when women and young people governed today, there would not be as many global conflicts. But is this true in the eyes of God? And how serious is the situation inside the US armed forces, in part due to the attempt to accommodate the woke ideology? What prophesied consequences will that development have for the US military and the entire country?

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Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!

In discussing the State of the Union Address by President Biden on March 1, an editorial by the New York Post hit the nail on the head, concluding, “It was an unserious speech for deadly serious times. Lord help us.”

This program discusses some of the most controversial statements by President Biden in his speech and shows why the downfall of the USA is inevitable. Indeed, may God have mercy on all of us.

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Satan Rules the Entire World!—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 28, 2021

Do we really understand that all of today’s human political leaders and nations are being held captive by Satan? From the terrible events in Afghanistan to worldwide coronavirus restrictions, we in God’s Church should be able to see a common denominator. At this point, the Western world is plagued with weak and incompetent leadership. But this will change soon when Satan will bring a man to power whom the Bible calls the beast, and who will establish a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. Satan is preparing mankind for this event, but most are too blind and don’t see what is happening. At the same time, Satan is attacking God’s people by trying to persuade them that they do not have to keep His Holy Days and personally attend God’s Feast sites.

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President Biden Faces Many Problems

This program explores the almost countless problems President Biden is facing on many different levels. From international problems regarding Haiti, Cuba, Afghanistan, Mexico, Iran, Russia and Germany; to national problems regarding vaccination issues; and to several personal problems, it seems that there is no end in sight, and that matters will only get worse.

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Are we Afraid of the Truth or Opposing Viewpoints?

Here are some of the topics discussed in this presentation: The Hunter Biden scandal; the Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Texas case because of “lack of standing”; the attack on free speech; and the German government’s fight against opponents of Coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns. What do all of these topics have in common?

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“Measles Outbreak”–Blaming the Unvaccinated?

The Press and Newscasts are making a meal of the story of “measles outbreak” in the USA. Scientists and lawyers argue that parents who don’t vaccinate their children should go to jail; that they always commit a tort; and that they are making a negligent, unreasonable and reckless decision under the law. President Obama stated that there is no reason to not vaccinate, while Senator Rand Paul wants to give parents the freedom to decide. What are the facts? Are vaccines harmless? Are they always effective? Why do properly vaccinated persons contract measles? Should we accept the position of those who oppose vaccination for religious or medical grounds? What are some of the reasons, and who are among those who decide against vaccination?

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