America’s Armed Forces in Big Trouble

Pope Francis said that when women and young people governed today, there would not be as many global conflicts. But is this true in the eyes of God? And how serious is the situation inside the US armed forces, in part due to the attempt to accommodate the woke ideology? What prophesied consequences will that development have for the US military and the entire country?

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Angels Among Us?

What is the role of angels regarding Christians and their children? And what is the Church of God’s responsibility towards angels?

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Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!

Donald Trump ignited a national and international firestorm when he said that if Congress declared abortion to be illegal, aborting women should be punished in some way. All the political candidates and major pro-life groups condemned him for his statement, and shortly thereafter, Trump walked back and said that a woman should not be punished, as she is a victim. This program shows why all these opinions are wrong, based on the Bible.


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