Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power

It has been recently alleged that due to the Afghanistan debacle and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has given up its pacifist stance to become more engaged in military activities. But as this program shows, Germany was never a pacifist power, and Bible prophecy tells us what Germany will do very soon.

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A Confused World in Denial—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 3, 2021

We point out the fight between many Western and Eastern European nations over “core values,” especially involving Germany, France, Hungary and Poland; the fact that the USA did not win a major war since World War II and won’t do so prior to Christ’s return; the Pope’s attack on “false preachers”; the indictment of the Trump organization and emails pertaining to Hunter Biden, directly contradicting President Biden; Hitler’s and Stalin’s atrocities and shared responsibilities for World War II; Angela Merkel’s last official visit to the UK; lockdowns in Australia; and Dr. Robert Malone’s and many other doctors’ concerns regarding coronavirus shots. We also speak on missed opportunities in our Christian lives and godly education in the World to Come.

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Germany’s Ongoing Descend into Undemocratic Dictatorship

This program will discuss Germany’s continuing unconstitutional restrictions by Angela Merkel and all 16 state premiers, without any involvement of the German parliament. Now, another partial lockdown has been announced by Merkel and her allies, again without parliamentary approval. This has been termed by German politicians “across the spectrum” as “unprecedented” since World War II and as “wartime propaganda.” But this is just the beginning of what is to follow very soon.

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America’s departure and Germany’s future—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 8, 2020

The decision to remove some 12,000 troops out of Germany is a “sign—not a good—one of what lies ahead.” Almost half of Germans welcome the withdrawal of US troops, showing that the relationship between Germany and the USA has never been that good… but it is getting worse. At the same time, what will happen to Germany when, as prophesied, it is being attacked with nuclear weapons, and could China, Russia and Iran play a decisive role in that regard?

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Will We Lose our Freedoms Forever?

The Roman Catholic Church did not stand up to the Nazis during World War II, which has now been admitted by Germany’s Council of Catholic bishops in a “confession of guilt.” Today, our freedoms are once again threatened, including in the USA. Have we learned from history, or are we repeating the same mistakes by being silent in the face of adversity and danger? This program cites many troublesome examples and includes a frightening warning. It ends with an important announcement which you should not miss.

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The Collaboration of two Popes with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy

Will the world learn more now about the most debatable periods of the Vatican’s recent history, the controversial conduct of Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII prior to and during World War II, and the collaboration of the Roman Catholic Church with Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s fascist Italy? Could such massive collaboration happen again in our time?

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Putin’s Russia—the Overlooked Threat to World Peace

Many don’t realize to what extent Russia is posing a threat to world peace; nor, that the Bible says that it will be involved in a nuclear war within the next few years. Vladimir Putin’s lies about the invasion of Poland and the beginning of World War II reveal a very dangerous mindset. So do his attempts to restrict and suppress online freedom of expression and his new hypersonic nuclear weapons.

How Will the New Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Be “Solved”?

Not in the way most expect. The Russian blockade of the Azov Sea and the capture of three Ukrainian ships and sailors caused the USA and the EU to condemn Russia for violating international law, but Russia denies this and couldn’t care less. Even though Ukraine is asking NATO and the EU, including Germany, for further economic sanctions and military intervention, this does not seem to be likely. What, then, is going to happen? History from World War II and the Bible give us answers.

How Does Trump’s Executive Order Help Innocent Children?

After a worldwide outcry over the “zero tolerance” policy of the Trump administration, criminalizing all illegal immigrants and leading to the separation of young children from their parents and the internment of the children in detention camps, President Trump signed an executive order, claiming that it will keep migrant families together. But does the executive order help the children, or does it make matters worse? Is the European condemnation hypocritical as they are engaging in similar conduct? Why are our immigration systems so broken and what does the Bible have to say about all of this? Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions right when he stated that Romans 13 commands us to obey the laws of the government? Must we obey all laws, even though they might violate the letter or the spirit of God’s Word?

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