This Week in the News

We begin with a report on the enlargement of the EU by adding a 28th member state—Catholic Croatia—showing that the EU is not dead, but growing, as prophesied in the Bible.

We continue focusing on tumultuous events in the Middle East—especially Egypt and Syria.

We speak of the deteriorating relationship between America under President Obama and the Europeans—especially the Germans. Triggered by the historical revelation of unparalleled spying activities of the American government on its supposed allies, German and European anti-Americanism is sky-rocketing.  One telling comment by a German politician, which was published in a guest editorial in the New York Times, says it all: “Germans Loved Obama. Now We Don’t Trust Him.”

We report on a major defeat of the Obama Administration regarding the new health care law and the mixed reactions to the outlandish US Supreme Court decisions pertaining to gay marriages, and conclude with news articles on the terrible wild fire in Arizona, the timing of the discovery of Australia’s East Coast, and Belgium’s future king.

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