We are living in a time when people are more concerned for themselves than for others. There is a prevailing attitude of getting all we can for ourselves. Yet God says that it is more blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE. How can that be? In what way are we more blessed in giving? Learn in this sermon how to develop an attitude of giving, sharing, and caring for others, and how God blesses us in return.
Spiritual Blindness
We need a spiritual transformationin order to SEE. Human experience without the holy spirit is not profitable. Be humble like a child. The world is deceived but doesn’t know it. When we stop growing spiritually we will die.
Serving God Boldly
Peter was bold, walking on water. Remove doubt – don’t waiver. Jesus served God boldly. Peter and John preached with all boldness. Examples of bible figures who acted boldly. Be sober and vigilant. Submit to God and resist the devil. Stop Satan by resisting.
Called to Teach
Is the school of life the best teacher? Do we learn best by making mistakes? Or is there a better way? God has called us out of this world to be different, to enter into a relationship with Him that makes it possible to obey Him, thus enabling us to live a happy and productive life. The church, the spiritual body of Christ, is to teach us right values so that we can live in peace and harmony, dealing with life’s conflicts in a Godly manner.
You Shall Be Holy
God is Holy. God made a promise to David that his seed will last forever. God is our standard. You shall be perfect as God is – Holy. We need to reflect our Father’s personality.
Humility: True or False
Day of the Laodicean
Laodiceans serve themselves. They profess to serve God, but all the while they serve their “gods” of wealth, power, success, entertainment, prestige, etc. They combine a bit of truth with a lot of error. How can we be sure we are not caught up in that same mindset? This important sermon explains how to avoid becoming a Laodicean.
God's Blessings
God's Truth Reflected
Day of the Lord
The day of the Lord has been well prophecied. There will be an end of everything, a time of distress and trouble. We can be hidden and protected in time of God’s anger in a secret place. Fear the Lord and have strong confidence. He will keep us safe through hour of trial. He has prepared a place for the church.