The Saints

Becoming a saint does not require going through an arduous process contrived by the minds of men. On the contrary, saints are those who have a close relationship with God and prove it by honoring Him through obedience. God will reward His saints in the age to come by giving them positions of leadership in the kingdom.

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Unity From God

As members of the Church of God, we are to dwell together in unity, and God promises to give us singleness of heart when we obey Him!

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Millennial JERUSALEM—The City of the Great King

Events prophesied long ago will take place regarding the City of Jerusalem, and we can get a sense of what lies ahead from the Bible. This sermon presents seven facts about the Millennial Jerusalem.

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A New Chapter

Beginning a new chapter in our lives is quite scary! How can we use the opportunities for growth to our best advantage, while also realizing that growth is a necessity for a Christian?

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We Can Only Succeed Together

If we are baptized children of God with his holy spirit in us, we know that we need Him for everything in our lives. But what about our relationship with our brethren? This offertory is about our responsibility to be there for one another and to help each other. And it also handles our responsibility towards God. A topic that fits perfectly with the meaning of God’s holy day of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is the behavior that will be the standard in the soon-coming kingdom of God.

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Glimpses of the Kingdom Now

God’s kingdom will come to this earth in order to rule over man and to bring peace, happiness and prosperity. This message gives a few examples of glimpses of the Kingdom that that have been seen in society today. 

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The Rule of Melchizedek

Who was Melchizedek who met Abram and blessed him and whom Abram gave the tithe of all? The identity of Melchizedek is a great mystery to most. But the Bible is actually very clear who He was—and is. Also, some passages which might be confusing at first sight can be easily explained when we consider the context, the entire picture and biblical phraseology. This message will also show why Melchizedek’s rule was a forerunner of Christ’s rule here on earth after His Second Coming.

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Jesus Christ is Our Atonement

Events on the Day of Atonement foreshadow future occurrences while commemorating things already done. The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the great lesson of this Holy Day, and true Christians observe this time just as God has commanded!

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All In

Answering the call to become a Christian involves unwavering commitment. Going “all in” is an expression that indicates the complete dedication which is necessary to fully invest ourselves in following God. When we prepare our offerings, they should reflect the same level of commitment we are willing to make to obey God.

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