Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Mrs. Margaret Adair, will be visiting the Oregon brethren for Sabbath services on August 3, 2013.

Rene Messier has returned from Kenya and submitted the following report:

“While in Kenya, I had three meetings with several members, prospective members and visitors. On Friday, I met with 9 people. We discussed various topics and I fielded questions.

“On the Sabbath, there were 17 in attendance–13 men, 3 women and one child. We opened our services with three hymns and I gave the opening prayer. I showed the StandingWatch program on hell, gave a sermon about the Sabbath, and closed with prayer.

“We then took a break with tea and coffee and some goodies that I had brought from  Canada—chocolate-covered almonds, wrapped candies and assorted nuts. In the afternoon, I talked about church government and organization; requirements for baptism and commitment to God.  I also answered questions at the end of the session.

“On Sunday morning, I conducted a session on leadership, with three men in attendance.

“All were very friendly. Some of the prospective members had experienced former Worldwide Church of God association or fellowship.”

“Neu! Versammlungen am Sabbat und Gottes Jahresfesten,” is the title of a new German sermon which discusses the requirement of appropriate Church attendance on the Sabbath and the Holy Days, with special focus on the Feast of Tabernacles. The title in English is:  “Assemblies on the Sabbath and God’s Annual Feasts.”

“Is Pope Francis Really Changing the Catholic Church?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:
Recent developments within the Catholic Church should not go unnoticed. It appears as if Pope Francis “truly wants to change the Catholic Church,” and some of his decisive actions are of great concern to the “Vatican apparatus.” However, his changes do not address core Catholic teachings, such as the unbiblical beliefs in purgatory, indulgences or dead Catholic “saints” who are supposed to work now miracles from heaven. The Vatican is once again “rocked by scandal,” pertaining to corruption within the Vatican Bank. What does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

“Sex between Angels and Women?,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program presented by Mr. Link. It will be posted this weekend. Here is a summary for this program:

Many believe that at the time of Noah, angelic beings had sexual intercourse with women and produced giants. Is this the teaching of the Bible? If not, what are the origins of this concept? And how are we to understand the biblical statement in the book of Genesis, chapter 6, that “sons of God” “took wives for themselves” from the “daughters of men” who “bore children to them”?

 As we announced in the last Update, Brian Gale has begun recording audio programs for the UK, promoting our literature and StandingWatch programs. Johanna Link is adding visual components and posting the programs on YouTube. For this purpose, we have opened a local YouTube account in the UK, under the designation globalchurchsw BG

We have so far posted three programs on this local channel, namely “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” and “The StandingWatch program”; “Have You Been Born Again?’” is the title of the third StandingWatch program presented by Mr. Gale. Further programs will follow.

We have recently learned that Mrs. Win Cartwright died peacefully in her sleep at her home on the 7th July. She lived in North Lincolnshire in England and was in her 103rd year.  Although not a baptized member of the Church of God, she supported her son who was a member of the Global Church of God and who preceded his mother in death in 2009 at the age of 64.

Win, as she liked to be called, was very positive about the church and members and attended weekly local Sabbath services and the Feast of Tabernacles until both the death of Peter and her advancing age precluded her from continuing to do so. She was a very postive and cultured lady who will be missed by her family and friends.

RADIO TIME CHANGE: We are going to move our StandingWatch radio program from 10:45 to 11:00am Saturday on KCNW (Kansas City). The program will begin airing at 11:00am on August 10th. In addition, we will add a play time at 6:00pm every Saturday beginning July 27th.

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