Satan Rules This World—Does He Rule You?

Satan has been very busy. Many are falling for his evil devices. But God requires of us that we love and obey Him in everything. Through governmental restrictions under his influence, Satan is using the same tactic as he did when deceiving Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve fell for it, and Adam followed his wife, convincing themselves that a “little” disobedience did not really matter. Far too many of God’s people are following today Adam and Eve’s bad example. Don’t you be one of them!

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From Darkness to Light

The world lives in utter darkness, but that must not be true for Christians. Our lives must picture and exemplify the coming true Light for all mankind; there must not be any darkness in us when we want to be lights in the world.

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The Devil Is Loose

Satan’s wrath is great, as he knows that he has only a short time. But he is still the god of this evil world, the prince of darkness, who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking his victims in order to destroy them. He is a murderer, a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, an accuser and a tempter, and so are his servants and ministers who are acting on his behalf, even though many may think that they serve the true God. Those who were able to free themselves from Satan’s clutches through the understanding of the Truth and become again his victims are walking towards their spiritual and perhaps even physical death. This sermon will show from the Bible how Satan has inflicted misery and pain on so many people, but it also emphasizes that with God’s help, we will conquer the Devil.

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Resist the Devil!

Satan rules mankind, but most don’t know about it. And very few understand that Satan’s great wrath and his desire to destroy are directed foremost against God’s people–the true followers of Jesus Christ. We must be aware of the temptations, deceptions and wiles of the devil and of his human instruments, so that we can withstand, conquer and defeat them with God’s help.

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Strangers in the Night

According to the Bible, true Christians are strangers and pilgrims in the darkness of this world. But while they are in the world, they are not to be of this world and of the night. Rather, they are to be lights shining in the darkness. What practical consequence should that have for us?

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Is Now the Day of Salvation?

We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?

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Why Approval of Same-Sex Marriages?

The recent change of public opinion regarding same-sex or gay marriages caps “one of the fastest civil rights shifts in US history” (Time). As late as “2010, a majority of Americans opposed them” (New York Times). “12 years ago, gay marriages did not exist anywhere in the world” (Der Spiegel). Why this rapid shift? After all, “only three per cent of America’s population is homosexual” (Canada Free Press). Why are Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Baptist Minister Mike Huckabee or Jewish Orthodox Rabbi Yoel Schoenfeld in the minority, when they state that marriage is biblically defined as an exclusive lifelong union between one man and one woman? Why does Rush Limbaugh feel that the gay marriage movement cannot be stopped, and why does Fox moderator Bill O’Reilly scorn at those who use arguments from the Bible to speak out against same-sex marriages? Is the destruction of “American Babylon” inevitable, and can only the arrival of the Messiah help us?

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