America’s Downfall and Europe’s Rise

Most recent events show the ongoing decline and downfall of the USA with astonishing speed, while at the same time, Europe is preparing to rise and fill the vacuum. This program shows what is truly happening and sheds light on the facts which have been ignored or overlooked in far too many instances.

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Will the Relationship between the USA and Europe Improve?

Some are hopeful that the relationship between the USA and the EU, which has not been that good, will get better substantially because of the new US Administration. Others are not so sure, or they even doubt it very much. Listen to many articles from national and international liberal and conservative sources to note what their take is on the matter.

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Europe and America–No Longer Friends!

Alarming reports from the Munich Security Conference 2020 read like this: “America and the EU live in parallel universes.” “There has never been such a rift before.” “Europe is further away from Washington than ever.” “There will be no return to close trans-Atlantic ties.” At the same time, Europe rediscovers its “need” to become a strong military power in the light of America’s “disengagement” from Europe and its “lack of commitment to Europe.” Where will all of this lead?

Why NATO Is Breaking Apart

How can we be so sure that NATO will not survive? We can get an inkling by reviewing the events during this week’s 70th anniversary celebration of the military alliance and the overall attitude of the American and German people towards NATO, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Coming—A European Empire with a Real Army

French President Emmanuel Macron speaks of the rise of the “ancient demons” of “nationalism” causing World War I and advocates the creation of a “real European army” to “defend against” the USA. The EU Commission, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the leader of her coalition party, the SPD, want a real European army to form a “counterbalance” to President Trump. Others want to turn Europe into a powerful empire under German-French leadership to “stand in the way of Donald Trump’s administration.” Bible prophecy is being fulfilled for sure.
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How God Views the 2018 NATO Summit

It started with a bang. President Trump voiced his strong objections to Germany’s plan to build a pipeline with Russia that would bring gas from Russia to Germany, thereby becoming dependent on and being held captive by Russia. Mr. Trump is not alone with his criticism of Germany. In addition, he chided NATO members, especially Germany, for not paying enough to NATO, comparing it with the huge amount which the USA provides. Disagreements exist as to what was really committed to during the summit. Fears have resurfaced that the USA may leave NATO and withdraw its troops from Europe, especially Germany. What DOES the Bible say about these developments?

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US Summits in Singapore and Canada—with Opposite and Frightening Prophetic Results

The diametrically opposite results of Donald Trump’s summits with US trading partners in Canada and with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore show how prophecy is marching on… if we have eyes to see. The distinctions between America’s friends and allies and America’s enemies becomes increasingly blurred. Events are being set in motion right now which are not accidental, but which might determine your future—including your physical and spiritual survival.

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Iran Deal Gone… Europe furious with USA

With America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the announcement of heavy sanctions against Iran and possibly other countries, the relationship between the USA and Europe has further deteriorated. Europeans are determined to oppose America’s decision and are threatening America, while America, in turn, is threatening Europe. The big question is, what are Iran and Israel going to do?

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Merkel vs. Trump… No Love Lost!

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Washington in an attempt to persuade Donald Trump to change his mind on, among other things, imposing tariffs on European goods. Even though a decision was postponed for four weeks, “the German government is pessimistic about avoiding a trade war between the United States and Europe. The German-American relationship is in a profound crisis, hitting ‘ground zero,’ with disputes over the Iraq War in 2003 seeming trivial in comparison” (Handelsblatt, April 27). While the world is being admonished to “take Trump seriously” (Bild, April 27), Europe is anxious to “pull together unto a single unit” under French-German leadership (Der Spiegel, April 18), with a strong nucleus of EU countries (Politico, April 10) and with the perception that it must not allow itself to be blackmailed by Trump, as it constitutes “an economic power equal to the US” (Deutsche Welle, May 2).

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America and Britain–Global Leaders No More!

“In 2017, Trump relinquished America’s 70-year role as global leader”; “The largest trend today is the decline of American influence”; “American leadership has reached its end”; “America’s power and global influence have plummeted like a stone”; “The United States is withdrawing from the world stage”; “The incredible shrinking Britain”; “Brexit has taken its toll on Britain’s foreign policy”; “The UK presence has been barely noticeable.” These quotes from several news articles show the declining role of the USA and the UK on the world scene. But who will fill the power vacuum? Some point at Russia and China. But the real future world leader is rising somewhere else.

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