We are experiencing terrible economic times, and we are told that things will get worse. The “solutions” offered by our government, if any, are failing miserably. Is there hope to see an end to this total misery and disaster?
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Opening Night: Thankfulness—a rare Characteristic
There are noticeable health benefits for thankful people. What does the Bible say about the necessity for a Christian to be thankful? When and for what are we to be thankful, for whom, and towards whom? And why is thankfulness so rare today and seldom to be observed?
The Ongoing Shutdown– Comments on News and Prophecy (January 5, 2019)
The partial government shutdown is continuing, with no end in sight. President Trump claimed it may last months, if not years. Food, tax, transport, trash collection and much more are being threatened. Most Americans are opposed to the shutdown, but what would be a swift solution to end this and future shutdowns caused by bickering politicians, once and for all?
Germany in Panic Mood
The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.
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What makes us one of a kind and what sets us apart from the rest of the world? How do we produce fruits of righteousness? Just as a tree needs special ingredients to produce good fruit, how does this compare with us and our spiritual lives?
Trials and Temptations
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