There have been rumors for quite a while about the alleged homosexuality of Austria’s former and future Chancellor, but the press basically avoids talking about them. However, would there exist any prophetic biblical significance in that regard?
Persecutions of Homosexuals and Conversion Therapies
US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, wrote a condemnatory article in the mass publication, “Bild,” on Iran’s practices of persecuting homosexuals; and “Handelsblatt” attacked countries which still allow “gay cures” and “conversion therapies.” What is behind this reignited discussion, and what does God have to say about it? At the end of this program, we offer a free booklet about God’s teachings on sexual relationships.
God or Man – Part 2?
How do we correctly manifest love towards our neighbor? Are there laws or biblical teachings which man doesn’t consider to be sinful when God clearly does? In this second part, the next 6 commandments will be covered which describes the love towards our neighbor, or fellow man.
Pope Francis: “God Made People Gay!”
Are people born gay or is it their choice to become this way? Did God create gay people, as Pope Francis seems to suggest? Are there any differences in role and responsibility between husband and wife? Do we have to adopt gender neutrality, even in advertisement? What are TRUE biblical standards in regard to sexual relationships?
Download AudioAmerica’s Persecution of Churches
Download AudioDo we realize that the left-liberal state and government-sponsored agenda, supporting same-sex marriages, gay and transgender people, has been causing increased persecution of churches and Christians, with no end in sight? Do we understand that conservatives are jumping on the same bandwagon? Schools, pastors, church teachings and church functions are under attack as never before. But God does not approve, and the Bible speaks with authority on this issue.
Political Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
The decision of the US Supreme Court, to grant “gay and lesbian Americans” the “right to marry as any other couple,” has been viewed as dangerous political manipulation, which violates the clear language of the Constitution and the declared will of the founding fathers. President Obama and Hillary Clinton enthusiastically welcomed the decision, but until recently, they had strongly opposed same-sex marriages. Former Governor Mike Huckabee called the ruling an “out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny.” Time magazine wrote that orthodox Christians are now “exiles in [their] own country,” and that the Supreme Court declared the “decline and fall” of America’s “social, political and legal order.” What can Christians do in light of such abominations?
Download Audio Download VideoGod’s Viewpoint on Transgender and Homosexual Individuals
Bradley Manning says that he is a woman and requests hormone therapy or sex-reassignment surgery. Students in California public schools can now choose their gender. California and New Jersey prohibit gay-conversion therapy for those under age 18. Chris Christie states that homosexuality is not a sin, and that gay people are born that way. Germany is the first European country allowing parents to opt out determining their baby’s gender to allow their children to choose later in life whether to become male or female. What does the Bible say about these developments?
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