Will YOU Have Eternal Life in God’s Kingdom?

Do you share God’s confidence and conviction that you will become an immortal Spirit being in His Kingdom?  Or are you sometimes tempted to give up when you experience difficulties and trials which might appear to be too severe? Is your salvation a big question mark in your and God’s eyes?

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The Deceitfulness of Sin

How and in what way does sin deceive us? Why is the way of sin a way of error and of fraud? How can people and Satan deceive us and lead us into error? Why is sin compared with leaven, and why are we to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, the Herodians, and the Sadducees? Can we, on our own, overcome sin?

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Will Christ Find Faith on the Earth?

Do we have faith in God and His power to work miracles? But is this kind of faith sufficient in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God, or is an additional kind of faith required? What exactly is that faith which God’s Holy Spirit must give us? How is faith described in the Bible; why does it not have anything to do with what we can see; and why does doubt destroy our faith?

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Pentecost 2016–God’s Feast of the Firstfruits

Why do we celebrate Pentecost this year on June 12? What is the meaning of “Pentecost”? Why is it also called “Feast of Weeks” and “Feast of Firstfruits”? In light of Leviticus 23, when did the priest wave the sheaf of the firstfruits, and when did he wave the two loaves of leavened bread, which were also called firstfruits? What was the symbolic meaning of the sheaf and the two breads? Is Jesus the first who was resurrected from death to eternal life? Are there only few people today who are being called into the truth? Are they called firstfruits? Do they have to be predestined by God to be called in this day and age? In light of God’s Spirit of power, is there a guarantee that called Christians will inherit salvation?

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