Russia’s and China’s Dangerous Dictatorships

What can we expect from Vladimir Putin’s and Xi Jinping’s ongoing dictatorial military ambitions and actions? Are they in fact a threat to the Western world, including Europe and the USA? What, if anything, do events in Russia and China have to do with biblical prophecy?

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Will the UN Prevent World War III?

On September 19, 2017, President Trump addressed the UN and placed it on notice as to what the USA is prepared to do if the UN does not succeed. From its inception, the UN has been a failed body of competitive hostile nations. Listen to the report of an accredited journalist who attended the UN’s first conference in April of 1945 in San Francisco, and judge for yourself whether matters have greatly improved since then. The truth is, no human body will prevent World War III, but ultimately man will experience enduring peace. This program shows you why and how.

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Obeying Trump to Launch Nuclear Strike?

Adm. Scott Swift, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, said he would launch a nuclear attack against  a foreign country, if ordered by President Trump, stating that every member of the US military has sworn an oath to obey the Commander in Chief. This is the same reasoning which was employed by German officers for obeying Adolf Hitler. What is wrong with this rationale in the eyes of God and the Bible? Can a true Christian be a nationalist, defending his country, “whether right or wrong,” and fighting in his country’s wars?

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Trump’s New Attacks on NATO and Germany… What’s Next?

President Trump’s behavior and statements in Brussels towards EU leaders and NATO members have continued a pattern which will lead to terrible consequences for America and the rest of the world. We should not gloss over these events as meaningless, because NATO members, Europeans and especially Germans are getting tired of Trump’s continuing accusations and demands and are determined to respond forcefully.

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FBI Director Comey Fired–Another Trump Debacle

Given the timing, manner and underlying circumstances, as well as the many glaring inconsistencies in the reports from the White House and President Trump, the US President’s controversial termination of FBI director James Comey has been described as a “massive cover-up” and a “perilous moment in American history,” with parallels to “Watergate” and the “Saturday Night Massacre.” The President’s actions opened wide the floodgates of speculation in the liberal and conservative national and international media, portraying the Trump Administration as a laughing stock and a government which cannot be trusted. What does this all mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

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What’s Next in Prophecy?

“Migrants Face Deportations and Wall in Europe”; “Will EU Nationals Have the right to Stay in the UK after Brexit?”; “German’s foreign intelligence agency spied on foreign journalists”; “media is the enemy of the American people”; “Keystone pipeline and American steel”; ongoing Twitter war… the list could be continued. What is the common denominator of all these and many more news events and reports? And how does God look at this? And what does all of this tell us as to where we are in prophecy… and what will happen next?

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Worldwide Anti-Semitism on the Rise

Even though anti-Semitism has been a terrible phenomenon for many centuries, it is clearly on the rise in the USA and around the world. President Trump righty condemned this horrible phenomenon. Middle Eastern nations are not Israel’s friends, and neither are the Europeans. What will happen if Israel insists on a one-state solution; on Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital; and on further Jewish settlements in “occupied” territories? Will a Third Temple be built in Jerusalem prior to Christ’s return? What would be the reaction of the world, and especially the Europeans? Our new free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People,” will give you the answers to these and many more questions. A special video at the end of this program provides you with more important information.

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Prophetic Developments in the USA and Europe

What are the facts behind President Trump’s executive immigration order regarding a “travel ban,” and its worldwide condemnation? Why did a federal court temporarily block the ban? Why do we in God’s Church report about these events? Do they have prophetic significance? And are some, if not many members still too much involved in this political world?

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