Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020)

In the morning of November 7, just prior to a press conference by President Trump’s attorneys, the mass media and most networks declared Joe Biden to be the President-elect. However, Newsmax refuses to call Biden the winner. Why is that? Newsmax explains that the votes are still being counted, recounts are certain, and accusations of fraud and irregularities in several states are going to be brought before the courts. In addition, President Trump is not conceding and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. What are some of the specific allegations which the courts will be asked to decide?

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Please End the Pain of the Coronavirus Shutdown!

Do we “let the cure be worse than the problem itself”? President Trump thinks so. This program shows the dangerous consequences of governmental measures causing unparalleled suffering for our people and incredible damage to our economy, with fears of massive suicides and even civil war. Why is the public “asleep at the wheel,” when it comes to mounting violations of our constitutional rights and freedoms?

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Impeachment, Immigration and Indifference–Comments on News and Prophecy (December 7, 2019)

The attempts to force President Trump out of office through the impeachment hoax will utterly fail. Through their ill-conceived biased political maneuverings, Democrats have guaranteed that Trump will be re-elected. From a spiritual standpoint, Trump will have to stay in power until he has fulfilled his providential role. What is that role, and how do our American immigration system, the building of a third temple in Jerusalem, a new holocaust and a nuclear war against the USA come into play? And why are Americans so indifferent as to what is going on?

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President Trump’s Destiny — Comments on News and Prophecy (November 16, 2019)

Some feel that President Trump is fulfilling a prophetic role in relation to the state of Israel, which is similar to the role of Cyrus, King of Persia, who helped the Jews to build the Second Temple. They say that Trump will be used to help build the Third Temple, as a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Trump seems to believe this himself.

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New Appalling Immigration Proclamation and Scandalous Jury Duty Judgment–News and Prophecy, October 5, 2019

Late Friday on October 4, in the darkness and under the cover of night, the White House issued a new proclamation which would deny visas to thousands, if not millions of spouses, parents and siblings of US CITIZENS. This appalling rule would be in line with President Trump’s ultimate goal to deny immigration to anyone but to the rich, the wealthy and the highly educated. Also, in a ridiculous judgment, a Florida Judge sentenced a 21-year old young man to 10 days in jail and issued other penalties for not showing up for jury duty.

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Shutdown Ends Temporarily…What’s Next?—Comments on News and Prophecy (January 26, 2019)

Will there be a second shutdown? Will there be a declaration of national emergency? Why was there a shutdown in the first place? Why did it end? Why was there such a hostile reaction by some hard-core right-wing pundits to President Trump’s ending of the shutdown? Did the shutdown accomplish anything? Why are politicians so dishonest?

The Ongoing Shutdown– Comments on News and Prophecy (January 5, 2019)

The partial government shutdown is continuing, with no end in sight. President Trump claimed it may last months, if not years. Food, tax, transport, trash collection and much more are being threatened. Most Americans are opposed to the shutdown, but what would be a swift solution to end this and future shutdowns caused by bickering politicians, once and for all?

George H.W. Bush and the German Reunification

The late American President George H.W. Bush has been described as a gentleman, a generous and true American patriot and a “stroke of luck” for the Germans. From a prophetic standpoint, his most important accomplishment was his contribution to the German reunification. This program describes the events in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, and points out the close friendship between President Bush and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. But neither Bush nor Kohl anticipated what would subsequently transpire; nor, what is still prophesied to happen in the future.

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Frightening Results and Consequences of Midterm Elections

With the Democrats controlling the House and the Republicans the Senate, legislative gridlock is the inevitable consequence. This division is mirrored by the mood in the country. Europeans are very concerned as to what President Trump will do, expecting him to focus mainly on foreign politics for which he does not need congressional approval. And so, Europe is reacting militarily. All of this is in fulfillment of biblical prophecy, as this program will show.

Iran Deal Gone… Europe furious with USA

With America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the announcement of heavy sanctions against Iran and possibly other countries, the relationship between the USA and Europe has further deteriorated. Europeans are determined to oppose America’s decision and are threatening America, while America, in turn, is threatening Europe. The big question is, what are Iran and Israel going to do?

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