Impeachment, Immigration and Indifference–Comments on News and Prophecy (December 7, 2019)

The attempts to force President Trump out of office through the impeachment hoax will utterly fail. Through their ill-conceived biased political maneuverings, Democrats have guaranteed that Trump will be re-elected. From a spiritual standpoint, Trump will have to stay in power until he has fulfilled his providential role. What is that role, and how do our American immigration system, the building of a third temple in Jerusalem, a new holocaust and a nuclear war against the USA come into play? And why are Americans so indifferent as to what is going on?

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Trump’s Reelection Is Assured!

President Trump’s recent tweets regarding four young Democratic Congresswomen have created a lot of attention and speculation. Inaccurate conclusions were drawn, and only very few seem to understand what is actually happening here, and why Trump’s tweets and comments are contributing to his assured reelection in 2020. Apart from this, it is very clear from the Bible that Mr. Trump will stay in power, even though the statement of this fact could be misunderstood as well.

Shutdown Ends Temporarily…What’s Next?—Comments on News and Prophecy (January 26, 2019)

Will there be a second shutdown? Will there be a declaration of national emergency? Why was there a shutdown in the first place? Why did it end? Why was there such a hostile reaction by some hard-core right-wing pundits to President Trump’s ending of the shutdown? Did the shutdown accomplish anything? Why are politicians so dishonest?

Charlottesville—Is Condemnation of Trump Justified?

What did really happen on August 12 in Charlottesville, Virginia? Was President Trump wrong in how he described the events? Did he equate the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists with people like the innocent victim, Heather Heyer, who died at the hands of a murderer? Is the almost universal condemnation of the President’s words justified? What about the violent anti-Fascist movement? And what about the removal of the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee? What does this all mean for the future of our country?

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Good or Evil? — Catholic Ireland Votes to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages

The Irish people voted by a landslide in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriages. Catholic Ireland is now referred to as a “beacon of light” and a “leader out of darkness”, “showing others the right way. While the Roman Catholic Church officially views practicing homosexuality as “unnatural,” the German Protestant Church declared that it is “neither abnormal nor sinful.” How does God see it? What does the Bible have to say about it? And if the Bible is clear on the matter, why are so many Christians afraid to stand up for the truth?

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Mid-Term Elections-Victory or Defeat for America?

The U.S. mid-term elections were held-with a stunning victory for the Republicans and an equally stunning defeat for the Democrats and the President. But even though the Republicans have gained the majority in the House and the Senate, will this drastically change the political landscape of America? Or are those correct who predict a “gridlock on steroids” for the next two years and warn that we are now facing the “two most dangerous years of America’s existence”? Why is it that others state that the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago was the beginning of the end of the American Republic? This program gives you answers and offers our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” It also encourages our viewers and listeners to give us feedback to our programs in writing or via the telephone.

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America Is Politically Bankrupt

The temporary shutdown of the American government is strongly condemned by the worldwide community. Many feel that America cannot be saved; that America’s democracy is falling; and that America is politically bankrupt. Sadly, the Bible agrees with this assessment. The ill-conceived Obamacare or “Affordable” Care Act and its terrible “implementation” is only one symptom, exemplifying the fact that promises of politicians cannot be relied on. It is high time that God the
Father sends His Son Jesus Christ to our earth to make an end to man’s mismanagement and to restore the Kingdom of God and establish righteous rule on this planet.

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