Any prophetic fallout from Harry’s and Meghan’s interview?

The bombshell interview with Oprah has prompted many different emotional reactions all over the world. This program does not address at all who is right or wrong. But it focuses on interesting developments which might be a preview of things to come. The Bible has much to say about the future of Britain’s monarchy and the Commonwealth.

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America in Crisis–Voter Fraud, Lockdowns and Harmful Vaccinations

The evidence of voter fraud in the last Presidential election is mounting, while the mass media is unwilling to admit this fact, thereby “damaging trust in America’s democracy.” Lockdowns are on the rise again, even though it has been claimed that they do not work… and that they destroy the physical and spiritual wellbeing of many thousands of people. The new COVID-19 vaccines will produce side-effects which some medical experts declare as being normal, while others call the vaccines a crime against humanity, as they will allegedly cause genetic defects, due to genetic manipulation.  We are also speaking about the assassination of Iran’s leading scientist and discuss why this happened now… and who might have been behind it.


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Coronavirus Lockdown Measures and a Vested Financial Interest in Vaccines

More and more voices are being heard warning against the draconian lockdown measures and the infringement of our civil liberties; stating that national quarantine is national suicide; questioning the accuracy of speculative and unscientific statistics; and pointing out Dr. Anthony Fauci’s vested financial interest in the creation of a vaccine as a mandated protection for global populations so that we can get back “to normal.”

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Please End the Pain of the Coronavirus Shutdown!

Do we “let the cure be worse than the problem itself”? President Trump thinks so. This program shows the dangerous consequences of governmental measures causing unparalleled suffering for our people and incredible damage to our economy, with fears of massive suicides and even civil war. Why is the public “asleep at the wheel,” when it comes to mounting violations of our constitutional rights and freedoms?

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The Devil Is Loose

Satan’s wrath is great, as he knows that he has only a short time. But he is still the god of this evil world, the prince of darkness, who walks about like a roaring lion, seeking his victims in order to destroy them. He is a murderer, a liar, a deceiver, a fraud, an accuser and a tempter, and so are his servants and ministers who are acting on his behalf, even though many may think that they serve the true God. Those who were able to free themselves from Satan’s clutches through the understanding of the Truth and become again his victims are walking towards their spiritual and perhaps even physical death. This sermon will show from the Bible how Satan has inflicted misery and pain on so many people, but it also emphasizes that with God’s help, we will conquer the Devil.

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The Prophet Elijah in the Past, the Present and the Future

Remarkable events occurred in the life of ancient Elijah, and they are written down for us today for our learning, admonition and example. There are those who believe that Elijah did not die, but that he is still alive today in heaven or someplace else, and that we will soon return to do a powerful Work, prior to Christ’s Second Coming. What does the Bible tell us about these ideas? How are we to understand that Elijah will come before the terrible Day of the Lord?

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What Satan CANNOT Do!

Satan and his demons rule with great power on this earth, but Christians don’t have to be afraid of them, as long as they take the necessary precautions. In this sermon, we will show what the Devil and his demons are UNABLE to do, and this should give us great confidence.

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