Why NATO Is Breaking Apart

How can we be so sure that NATO will not survive? We can get an inkling by reviewing the events during this week’s 70th anniversary celebration of the military alliance and the overall attitude of the American and German people towards NATO, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

How America Is Destroying Itself… Terrible Consequences of the Shutdown

Was Abraham Lincoln right when he prophesied that America would destroy itself? Sadly, the crazy government shutdown gives us a foretaste of what is going to happen. Millions upon millions of people are already affected, and it will get much worse, as this program shows. The Bible condemns very strongly what is happening, but most people are sound asleep.

Soon! The Bible Prophesies WAR Between Europe and the USA!

Even though this might still be difficult or even impossible for many to comprehend, the Bible clearly reveals that prior to Christ’s return, a terrible war will be fought between Europe and the USA. Reviewing the facts, we can see that preparatory movements are already in place to bring about what Scripture calls the “Great Tribulation.” Without taking any political position, we are just telling you what God’s Word is revealing to you, and if Jesus were not to return to shorten those coming days, no human being would survive.

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Trade War Coming? US Imposes Tariffs on Europe

The US is imposing harsh tariffs on European steel and aluminum. A total American ban on German luxury cars is also being investigated. The Europeans are furious and threaten with retaliation by imposing tariffs on American products. We have reached a new low of the deteriorating trans-Atlantic relationship. A trade war with unpredictable consequences could be on the horizon. Voices demand the creation of a “sovereign EU army” which would be independent from NATO or the USA.

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Trump Declares War on Europe

Through explosive interviews with European papers, Donald Trump caused furious, angry and concerned reactions from European politicians and the media. While his statements regarding NATO, Brexit, the migrant crisis, tariffs on foreign cars and other areas were not new, the realization that he meant what he said has prompted unprecedented European declarations of intent, which, when implemented, will lead to devastating results for the entire world.

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