Trust Me!

by John Amorelli

“Make America Great Again!” “I will work for YOU!” “New Possibilities, Real Leadership!” “Reigniting the Promise of America!” “From Hope to Higher Ground!” “A Time for Greatness!” and “Trust Me!”

These political slogans are some of past and present trademarks within the social media landscape, coming from all kinds of different sources. What especially caught my attention was the catchphrase: “Trust Me!” Now, it is a good thing that I don’t believe in voting in political elections because I am an ambassador for Jesus Christ and I am not to be involved in this world’s politics.  But if I was to vote for someone, it would have to be a candidate who would have the trustworthy character that no one else could ever challenge! Someone who would say one thing and not “flip-flop.” Someone who would not lie about ANYTHING. Someone who would REALLY put other people first. Someone with a government that has a vision of real peace and real truth. Basically, a perfect government.

I am looking forward to a wonderful future when this SOMEONE will not be incompetent and selfishly ambitious in the political arena, and who will not have covetous hands on the throttle of governmental power by the deceptive political methods of THIS world.

As I watch and read articles about the “Barnum-and-Bailey-circus” of the political candidates’ quagmire, I think about a quote stated by Sir Winston Churchill before the United States Congress years ago: “There is a purpose being worked out here below.” God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are working out a plan, a perfect master plan, for setting up THEIR government here on earth in the near future.

So, I vote for God’s new world government and I trust THEM as the only candidates. I really pray that that government may come soon.

The First Step; It’s A Miracle!

On April 2, 2016, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “The First Step,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “It’s A Miracle!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Current Events

We begin with a report about secret meetings of the G-20 with the goal to “knock out the US dollar.” Business Insider calls this new effort “the most important financial development of 2016, with enormous implications,” and “a major turning point in the international monetary system.” We also report on mass demonstrations in Germany against German troops in foreign countries and American nuclear weapons on German soil. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, Will Europe Face a Nuclear Attack?”

Turning to the Middle East, we speak on the King of Jordan’s and Israel’s warning against Turkey as well as a bill in Israel to grant more Sabbath protection; American “allies” which turn against each other in Syria; and Iran’s continuing development of ballistic missiles. We also report on Cuba’s rejection of American influence.

We speak on embarrassing problems with artificial intelligence and another shameful victory of the vaccination lobby, and the ongoing battle between the FBI and Apple. In this regard, please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?”   

We continue to focus on the presidential election campaigns in the USA, including an article claiming that “Heidi Cruz is to be feared the most after Hillary Clinton”; several articles explaining the controversial world views of Donald Trump [in this regard, please view our new special StandingWatch program, Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!”]; Glenn Beck’s bizarre claim that “no real Christian” would vote for Donald Trump and that a presidency under Ted Cruz would be the “fulfillment of prophecy”; allegations apparently “steaming” from the Rubio camp (as “reported” by the National Enquirer) that Ted Cruz has been having numerous extramarital affairs (these allegations, whether true or not, might very well contribute to his downfall); and the strongly worded opinion of Dr. Ben Carson that Christianity and the very concept of the God of the Bible are under worldwide attack, including in the United States.

We conclude with the suspension of a Professor at an American Catholic University for objecting to their prohibition of debating same-sex marriages, and with a court decision in Germany, punishing a landlord for not renting his place to a gay couple.

This Week in the News

Secret Meetings of G-20 Core Group to Knock Out the US Dollar

Business Insider wrote on March 27:

“The U.S. dollar has just been knocked down and forced to serve the interests of the world against the will of the American people… Based on the best information we’ve been able to obtain, it looks like the dollar has just been Shanghaied by the G-20 (the unelected, unaccountable group of 20 nations that collectively control the world monetary system). This could be the most important financial development of 2016, with enormous implications for you and your portfolio…

“This new effort to knock out the dollar was contrived in a secret meeting in Shanghai on Feb. 26… Janet Yellen from the Fed, Christine Lagarde from the IMF, Mario Draghi from the ECB and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew were all there, along with their central bank and finance ministry counterparts from Japan, China and the other BRICS…

“The main meeting of the G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors was no secret. It was conducted with much fanfare and publicity. Thousands of reporters descended on Shanghai to cover the proceedings. A side meeting of a core group consisting of the U.S., Europe, Japan, China and the IMF was a secret. This group really calls the shots…

“There’s another secret G-20 meeting on April 16, 2016. This will take place on the sidelines of the IMF spring meeting in Washington, D.C… it will go down in history as a major turning point in the international monetary system.”

Ultimately, we can expect that the US Dollar will lose in value, especially against the euro.

Demonstrations Against American Nuclear Weapons on German Soil

Deutsche Welle reported on March 28:

“More than 20,000 people gathered to participate in Germany’s ‘Easter marches’ over the holiday weekend. The annual events protest militarization and the presence of German troops in foreign countries. The numbers were an increase on the previous year in spite of the changeable weather… nationwide there were about 80 different related demonstrations and gatherings to promote peaceful resolution to conflict.

“Kristian Golla of the ‘Peace Cooperative’ network in Bonn said that strong turnout showed ‘the basic skepticism with which our society views war and military intervention.’ One event in the Eifel region of western Germany called for an end to the presence of American nuclear weapons in Germany. The Büchel air base in the Eifel received some 20 new B 61-12 atomic weapons from the US in September of last year, at the same time similar weapons were moved to bases that cooperate with the US in Aviano, Italy, and Incirlik, Turkey.

“The Easter marches began in Germany in the 1960s at the initiative [of] German Quaker pacifist Konrad Tempel. In the late 50s, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer had dismissed concerns about nuclear weapons, saying they were ‘the latest development’ in military technology and their existence was keeping Germans safe…”

King of Jordan: “Turkey Is Deliberately ‘Unleashing’ Isis Terrorists into Europe.”

The Independent wrote on March 27:

“Turkey is exporting Isis-linked terrorists to Europe, according to King Abdullah of Jordan. The monarch’s remarks came in a meeting with members of the US Congress, in which he said that Islamist militants were being ‘manufactured in Turkey’ and ‘unleashed’ into Europe. He also… [reminded] the US politicians of Turkey’s alleged complicity in buying Isis oil. ‘The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy,’ said King Abdullah… [arguing] that the autocratic Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan believes in a ‘radical Islamic solution to the region’…

“The meeting was held on 11 January, but details of the King’s opinions have only just been leaked…

“Although Turkey and Jordan are officially allies, the refugee crisis has heightened tensions between the two nations. King Abdullah is understood to have been angered by the EU’s generous offer of cash and diplomatic ties in return for Turkey limiting the onward flow of refugees into the continent. At roughly 75 million, Turkey’s population is over ten times that of Jordan’s, meaning the Arab nation is hosting a proportionately greater number of refugees.”

Israel Asks Its Citizens to Leave Turkey Immediately

JTA wrote on March 28:

“Israel warned its citizens living in or visiting Turkey to leave immediately. The travel warning was issued Monday by the National Security Council Counter Terrorism Bureau, which is part of the Prime Minister’s Office. The warning, which was upgraded from a basic concrete threat to a high concrete threat, comes a week after a suicide bombing at a main shopping center in Istanbul killed three Israelis and one Iranian national. Turkish media later reported that the bomber targeted an Israeli tour group.”

Bill to Protect Sabbath Rest Proposed in Israel

Israel National News reported on March 25:

“A bill… which would extend Shabbat ‘day of rest’ benefits passed an initial vote in the Knesset on Wednesday. The proposal would protect all workers in Israel who choose not to work on Shabbat from losing their jobs, regardless of their level of religious observance. In addition, the law would prohibit employers from using discriminatory hiring practices which target workers who refuse to work on Shabbat.

“Currently, Israeli law only recognizes the rights of religious Jews to refuse work on Shabbat. Non-Jews and secular Jews may be forced by their employers to work on Shabbat, or face loss of employment. If entered into law, [the bill] would give all workers in Israel the same Shabbat ‘day of rest’ rights, enabling anyone, regardless of religion or level of observance, to claim Shabbat as a religious day of rest.”

In many European countries, no religious protection exists for the observance of God’s Sabbath. In the USA, such protection might exist on paper, but seldom in practice. That is one of the great sins this world is committing, causing the outpouring of God’s wrath on a rebellious mankind.

American “Allies” Turn Against Each Other in Syria

The Los Angeles Times wrote on March 27:

“Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the bitter five-year-old civil war…

“The attacks by one U.S.-backed group against another come amid continued heavy fighting in Syria and illustrate the difficulty facing U.S. efforts to coordinate among dozens of armed groups that are trying to overthrow the government of President Bashar Assad, fight the Islamic State militant group and battle one another all at the same time.”

Iran—President Obama’s New Ally?

Reuters wrote on March 28:

“Iran will pursue its development of ballistic missiles despite the U.S. blacklisting of more Iranian companies linked to the program, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said on Monday… The Revolutionary Guards, Iran’s elite fighting and security force, maintains dozens of short and medium-range ballistic missiles, the largest stock in the Middle East. It says the missiles are solely for defensive use with conventional, non-nuclear warheads…

“Iran has denied U.S. accusations that it is acting ‘provocatively’ with the missile tests, citing a long history of U.S. interventions in the Middle East – including a U.S.-engineered coup in Tehran in 1953 – and a right to self-defense.”

Cuba—President Obama’s New “Friend”?

Deutsche Welle reported on March 28:

“In a lengthy letter, the 89-year-old former Cuban leader said his country ‘has no need of gifts from the (US) empire.’ The scathing note follows a landmark visit by Obama amid a warming of ties… His 1,500 word note appeared to ignore a strengthening of relations between the two former foes…  ‘Listening to the words of the US president could give anyone a heart attack… Nobody has any illusion that the people of this noble and selfless country will surrender glory and rights and the spiritual wealth that has come through the development of education, science and culture,’ he added…

“Last week, Obama said he had come to bury the two countries’ history of Cold War hostility but questioned Cuba’s human rights record and called for democracy and greater freedoms. His visit was the first by a US president in 88 years. Although he did not meet with Fidel Castro, he did hold talks with his brother Raul Castro…”

Problems with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Platform

The website of reported on March 25:

“Microsoft has apologized for the conduct of its racist, abusive machine learning chatbot, Tay. The bot, which was supposed to mimic conversation with a 19-year-old woman over Twitter, Kik, and GroupMe, was turned off less than 24 hours after going online because she started promoting Nazi ideology and harassing other Twitter users…

“[The] machine learning platform doesn’t really know what it’s talking about… Tay has no understanding; if a bunch of people tell her that the Holocaust didn’t happen, for example, she may start responding in the negative if asked if it occurred. However, that’s not because she has any understanding of what the Holocaust actually was. She just knows that the Holocaust is a proper noun or perhaps even that it refers to a specific event. Knowing what that event was and why people might lie to her about it remain completely outside the capabilities of her programming. All she knows of the event is that people tell her it didn’t happen…”

The website of added on March 26:

“The company said it will bring Tay back after engineers can plan better for hackers with ‘malicious intent that conflicts with our principles and values’…

“Artificial intelligence is gaining momentum as computing power continues to grow exponentially… Not everyone is thrilled with the prospect of machines gaining the ability to reason like humans. Tesla founder Elon Musk continues to warn about the rise of robots…”

When man tries to “create” artificial intelligence, he walks on a slippery slope towards having to deal with a Frankenstein monster.

De Niro Gives In to Vaccination Lobby to Suppress the Truth

The Independent wrote on March 27:

“There has been mounting pressure on Robert De Niro to withdraw an anti-vaccination documentary from the Tribeca Film Festival line-up. After days of deliberation and a statement defending the controversial film, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe will no longer show at the festival.

“Previously, De Niro said of the documentary, which attempts to show a link between vaccines and autism: ‘I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue.’ However, in a more recent statement to the BBC, the actor said: ‘We have concerns with certain things in this film.’ After reviewing Vaxxed with fellow festival organisers, as well as scientists, they concluded that the film does not contribute to the discussion over vaccinations in the way they’d like it [to].

“Vaxxed is directed by Andrew Wakefield, a former British doctor whose 1998 study linking MMR vaccinations and autism was discredited and retracted from medical journal The Lancet… Wakefield, who has previously described it as a ‘whistle-blower documentary’, said in a statement following the decision that he and producer Del Bigtree [have] ‘just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art and truth’.

“In recent years, many actors have taken controversial stances on vaccinations, including Jim Carrey who has campaigned against vaccine legislation on numerous occasions.”

 It is shocking how “scientists” are able to suppress real concerns about vaccinations to manipulate a gullible public.

Fight Between FBI and APPLE to Continue

CNN reported on March 29:

“The Department of Justice says the FBI has accessed the iPhone used by one of the gunmen in the San Bernardino terrorist shooting. Law enforcement officials were able to break into the phone used by Syed Farook with the help of an unnamed third party. Government officials did not go into detail about what was found on the phone. ‘The FBI has now successfully retrieved the data stored on the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple required by this Court Order,’ DOJ spokeswoman Melanie Newman said in a statement. The DOJ is dropping the case against Apple, since it no longer needs the company’s help.

“Farook was one of two shooters in the December 2015 attack that left 14 people dead, and the government has been trying to force Apple to help bypass the phone’s security features. Apple has declined to help, saying it would compromise the security of all iPhone users. The company has argued that law enforcement officials don’t understand the consequences of creating a backdoor…

“The fact that the DOJ was able to successfully access the phone without Apple’s help is bad news for the tech giant because it suggests Apple’s encryption technology is not as advanced as once thought. In a statement, Apple said the case ‘should have never been brought.’ It reiterated its objection to the FBI’s demand that the company build a backdoor into the iPhone, a step it said would have ‘set a dangerous precedent.’ However, Apple said it plans to continue to help police with other criminal investigations. For instance, the company currently provides police who have warrants access to customer iCloud accounts…

“Apple did not address the hack specifically in its statement Monday. However, previously the company said this vulnerability was consistent with its fear all along — that it was in an ‘arms race’ with people looking to exploit bugs in its software. A law enforcement official… refused to say whether the FBI will disclose this hacking method to Apple so the company can protect future phones from being hacked this way.

“Normally, in a situation like this, the FBI must hold a high-level meeting with the president’s National Security Council to discuss whether to tip off Apple about the hacking method, according to a senior Obama administration official. Hacks are only possible through vulnerabilities in technology, and the same method used by the FBI could be used by foreign governments to hack Americans’ iPhones.

“The FBI should have that discussion immediately, said Ross Schulman, senior policy counsel at the Open Technology Institute, a think tank. ‘The bug is, so far as we know, widely distributed and can give complete access to a device that so many of us rely on daily. Those are great reasons to tell Apple so they can fix the problem,’ he said. Several experts closely watching this case say the fight between the FBI and Apple will only continue elsewhere. Both sides are already waging a similar battle over a criminal’s iPhone in New York City.  ‘This case was never about just one phone,’ said Alex Abdo, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union. ‘Unfortunately, today’s news appears to be just a delay of an inevitable fight over whether the FBI can force Apple to undermine the security of its own products.’”

Heidi Cruz to be Feared the Most after Hillary Clinton?

News with Views wrote on March 26:

“While I am aware that Heidi Nelson Cruz apparently does suffer from deep depression, just after Hillary Rodham Clinton, she is the next person to be feared the most in this presidential race for 2016…

“In an article written by Jesse Byrnes for The Hill that was released today on March 25, 2016, under the title ‘Trump aide fulfills threat to “spill the beans” on Heidi Cruz,’ he reports on the recent interview on MSNBC that Steve Kornacki had with Katrina Pierson who is an aide for Donald Trump…

“According to Katrina Pierson, ‘Spilling the beans is quite simple when it comes to Heidi Cruz. She is a [George W.] Bush operative; she worked for the architect of NAFTA, which has killed millions of jobs in this country; she was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations who—in Sen. Cruz’s own words, called – a nest of snakes that seeks to undermine national sovereignty; and she’s been working for Goldman Sachs, the same global bank that Ted Cruz left off of his financial disclosure. Heidi’s entire career has been spent working against everything Ted Cruz says that he stands for.’

“According to the Council on Foreign Relations when Heidi Cruz was on the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America in 2004, she served at the White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council as Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, then U.S. Trade Representative. Previously, Heidi Cruz had been employed with J.P. Morgan at New York.

“Heidi Cruz had contributed to the writing of Building a North American Community, which was published by the Council on Foreign Relations and released in May of 2005. Its goals… were designed to establish a supranational government that would destroy our nation’s sovereignty and supersede our Constitution as the forthcoming North American Union with its own currency call the Amero. The proposed ‘North American Border Pass’ would essentially ‘erase’ our international boundaries with Canada and Mexico. To ‘Establish a Common Security Perimeter’ for North America and ‘Increase Labor within North America’ would weaken our national defense because we would no longer have any authority or control over who enters Canada or Mexico from overseas or elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere…”

The Controversial and Unpopular World View of Donald Trump

The New York Post wrote on March 26:

“Donald Trump wants US allies to ante up if they want to continue under the ‘cloak of American protection,’ according to his first detailed comments on his foreign-policy platform. ‘We’re not being reimbursed for the kind of tremendous service that we’re performing by protecting various countries,’ the Republican front-runner was quoted as saying.

‘Trump said he would boycott oil from Saudi Arabia and other allies unless they provide troops or funds to fight ISIS. ‘If Saudi Arabia was without the cloak of American protection… I don’t think it would be around,’ he told The New York Times.

“Trump is open to removing US forces from Japan and South Korea if they did not take on the cost of housing and feeding troops on American bases there, the report said. He argued that it is getting expensive to keep ‘defending the world.’…

“He vowed to renegotiate the Iran deal to extend restrictions on the country’s ability to build nuclear weapons while also allowing Iran to buy planes and other goods made in the United States. ‘We gave them $150 billion, and they can’t spend it in our country,’ he said.

“The United States, in Trump’s view, has lost power economically and militarily for decades. He cited the Teddy Roosevelt era as the period when America’s might peaked… Trump vowed to restore the country’s role as a global superpower.

“A cornerstone of the Trump doctrine is his ‘unpredictability’ in dealing with foreign leaders. He defended US surveillance of allies like Israel and Germany, saying, ‘They’re spying against us.’ Trump said he would allow Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear programs instead of depending on America for protection from China and North Korea. He wouldn’t rule out using nuclear weapons against an adversary, saying he would use nukes as an ‘absolute last step.’

“But Trump held out hope he could facilitate the greatest deal of them all — lasting peace in Israel. ‘I would have a better chance than anybody of making a deal,’ he said.”

JTA wrote on March 28:

“Discussing the Iran nuclear deal, Trump expressed surprise that sanctions remaining in place keep Iran from spending money released in the deal in the United States… David Sanger, a New York Times reporter, told Trump that sanctions in place kept Iran from trading to the United States. The Obama administration is keeping sanctions in place and in some cases adding new ones to maintain leverage against Iran in its backing of terrorism and its human rights abuses.

“‘Uh, excuse me?’ Trump said, apparently unaware of the sanctions. ‘So how stupid is that? We give them the money, and we now say, “Go buy Airbus instead of Boeing,” right? So how stupid is that?’”

The New York Times added on March 27:

“Mr. Trump repeated [his recent suggestions that United States pull back from NATO unless other nations pay more of the alliance’s costs] and called NATO ‘obsolete’ in the fight against terrorism.

“Mr. Trump was also asked if he would rule out internment camps for American Muslims – an idea he has never proposed, though he has argued for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country if they are not American citizens. ‘I would rule it out, but we would have to be very vigilant,’ Mr. Trump said…”

The Daily Mail added on March 28:

“Donald Trump has claimed that England is not a ‘safe place’ in the wake of the Brussels terrorist attacks. The leading Republican Presidential candidate said that England was among the countries which have become ‘weak’ and cannot protect themselves. [Trump also said that America is no longer a safe place for Americans.]

“Mr Trump said Europe had ‘very, very severe’ problems with terrorism and that it needed better law enforcement…  Mr Trump’s comments on Britain risk a backlash similar to that he received in December when he claimed that police in London were ‘afraid for their own lives’ because some areas of the capital are so radicalised.”

Trump Reverses Statement on Women and Abortion after Outcry

CNN reported on March 31:

“Donald Trump scrambled to clarify his position on abortion Wednesday after he said women who undergo the procedure should face ‘some form of punishment’ should the practice be outlawed.

“Several hours later — after widespread condemnation from Trump’s presidential rivals and even leading anti-abortion groups — he walked back his remarks, releasing a statement in which he said that women who obtain abortions are victims and that doctors who perform the service are the ones who should be punished. ‘If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman,’ Trump said. ‘The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed — like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions.’

“… anti-abortion groups swiftly criticized Trump’s comments. March for Life released the toughest statement… calling Trump’s remarks ‘completely out of touch with the pro-life movement.’ ‘Being pro-life means wanting what is best for the mother and the baby. Women who choose abortion often do so in desperation and then deeply regret such a decision. No pro-lifer would ever want to punish a woman who has chosen abortion. This is against the very nature of what we are about,’ the president of the group’s education and defense fund, Jeanne Marcini, said in a statement.

“The National Right to Life Committee noted in a statement that it has never supported penalties against women who undergo abortions. The Susan B. Anthony List chalked up Trump’s comments to his recent opposition to abortion rights and said punishments should only be dished out to ‘the abortionist.’

“Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton retweeted an NBC News reporter, adding, ‘Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse. Horrific and telling.’… Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted, ‘Your Republican frontrunner, ladies and gentlemen. Shameful.’…

“Ohio Gov. John Kasich told MSNBC, ‘Of course, women shouldn’t be punished for having an abortion.’ And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Trump’s comment ‘demonstrated that he hasn’t seriously thought through the issues, and he’ll say anything just to get attention.’ ‘On the important issue of the sanctity of life, what’s far too often neglected is that being pro-life is not simply about the unborn child; it’s also about the mother — and creating a culture that respects her and embraces life,’ Cruz said. ‘Of course we shouldn’t be talking about punishing women; we should affirm their dignity and the incredible gift they have to bring life into the world.’”

Please view our new special StandingWatch program, titled, Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!” 

Glenn Beck: “‘No Real Christian’ Would Vote for Trump”

Newsmax wrote on March 25:

“Conservative commentator Glenn Beck said he believes supporting Donald Trump for president goes against the tenets of Christian faith. ‘No Christian, no real Christian — I don’t mean a judgmental Christian, I mean somebody who is living their faith — no real Christian says, “I want that guy. That guy is the one for me,”‘ said Beck on TheBlaze’s ‘Glenn Beck Program.’… If Americans are following Christian values, Beck asked, ‘Then why are we in so much trouble?’…

“Beck, a Mormon, is a supporter of Ted Cruz’s campaign for president.  At a campaign stop for Cruz in Provo, Utah, Beck said he believes Cruz is a fulfillment of a Mormon prophecy, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. That prophecy, according to Charisma News refers to the U.S. Constitution ‘hanging by a thread,’ and a ‘White Horse’ coming in to save it. Although the prophecy is not part of Church of Latter-Day Saints canon, it is believed by many Mormons.”

It is true that no real Christian should vote for Donald Trump. However, no real Christian should vote for Ted Cruz either, or John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, or any other candidate running for the presidential office.

Allegations of Cruz’ Extramarital Affairs

Newsmax reported on March 25:

“Ted Cruz is angrily denying a National Enquirer report that he engaged in extramarital affairs — and is blaming Donald Trump for the publication of the allegations… The Enquirer — which has brought down other politicians with stories about their affairs, including former Sens. John Edwards and Gary Hart — said Cruz’s alleged trysts stand to ‘destroy’ his presidential hopes. The Enquirer article also showed pictures of five women it said Cruz had allegedly played around with. Their faces are pixilated.

“Trump, in a Facebook posting, denied any involvement in the Enquirer story, and then went on to taunt his rival about its accuracy… The Enquirer has officially endorsed Trump for president…

“In its expose, The Enquirer quotes Roger Stone, a veteran GOP political consultant who advised Trump early in his campaign, as saying rumors of affairs have been ‘swirling around Cruz for some time.’ Reached by USA Today on Friday, Stone insisted: ‘I played no role in the placement of the story.’”

The Daily Mail added on March 27 that “Rumors surrounding Ted Cruz and allegations he cheated on his wife with five women are believed to have steamed [sic] from Marco Rubio’s camp – not Donald Trump’s…”

While the National Enquirer is a mass tabloid of questionable reputation and veracity, it must be said that these kinds of allegations have destroyed prior politicians and candidates for public office. As the Newsmax article points out, some of those allegations of marital infidelity were finally proven to be correct, while other allegations could not be proven, but they nevertheless forced the particular candidates to step down. For example, Herman Cain had to suspend his presidential campaign in December of 2011 when faced with numerous (unproven) allegations of marital infidelity.

In addition, Daily Mail reported on March 28:

“[Ted Cruz] declined to answer a question on Monday about whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife Heidi… instead of making a blanket declaration that he has been faithful during the entirety of his 14-year marriage – a move that would effectively end the vicious news cycle – Cruz stood silently as campaign surrogate Carly Fiorina leapt in to intercept the question and change the subject…

“ directed the question a second time at Cruz when Fiorina had finished. ‘Senator I’m sorry, this is a very serious question about your character,’ the second question came. ‘Will you just – if the answer is, “Yes, I’ve always been faithful to my wife,” can you just say so please?’ His practised answer stuck to the more limited denial that the National Enquirer story was false, calling it ‘complete garbage.’”

Dr. Ben Carson: True Christianity Under Worldwide Attack

Breitbart wrote on March 25:

“Asked if he thought the media took religious issues seriously during his time running for the GOP nomination, former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told Breitbart News… they didn’t — and many would be happy to see Christianity vanish off the face of the Earth… ‘The Bible, they believe, is largely fantasy — and the whole concept of God,’ added Carson, pointing out that he felt mocked by the media several times for his belief in God…

“Asked if he thought there was a global war against Christians going on today, Carson said yes. ‘Christians are caught between secularism, which is on the rise and doesn’t like to be reminded of its negative aspects, and between Islamic Jihadists, who want to dominate the religious scene,’ he said. ‘As Christians,’ continued Carson, ‘we’re caught between a rock and a hard place and have to recognize, first of all, that we are under attack…’

“Faulting the U.S. government’s efforts, Carson said: ‘They for the most part won’t even acknowledge what’s going on with the Christians and the Yazidis and all the various people around the world. It’s like it doesn’t exist. They don’t seem to recognize that these are not isolated incidents that won’t find their way into our culture, as well.’”

Jesuit University Prohibits “Debate” Same Sex Marriages and Suspends Disagreeing Professor

Breitbart reported on March 29:

“John McAdams, a conservative professor at Marquette University, has been suspended after criticising a fellow lecturer for refusing to allow same-sex marriage to be debated in class. The suspension will be extended indefinitely unless McAdams ‘admits his guilt’ within two weeks.

“In a blog post, McAdams drew attention to an incident in which a student was told… by instructor Cheryl Abbate to leave her philosophy class if he wished to debate same-sex marriage or adoption by gay couples.

“Then things deteriorated further as the student said that it was his right as an American citizen to make arguments against gay marriage. Abbate replied that ‘you don’t have a right in this class to make homophobic comments.’ She further said she would ‘take offense’ if the student said that women can’t serve in particular roles.”

This is just incredible! Or, is it?

Shocking Decision in Germany

The Local wrote on March 30:

“Germany may not grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples, but its laws do protect them against discrimination.

“A man has been slapped with a steep fine by a Cologne court after he refused to rent a villa to a same-sex couple. The landlord must pay €1,700 in compensation to the couple, a regional court said on Tuesday. The man regularly rented out his personal villa to newly-weds to earn a bit more cash, but when he learned that the couple in question were gay, he refused to sign a contract with them.

“The court charged the man with discrimination, stating that his refusal to rent to them was illegal and violated German law concerning equal treatment, calling it ‘discrimination based on sexual orientation’. The court could not find a substantive reason to justify the discrimination, according to Legal Tribune Online.

“Nor did the judge side with the defendant’s argument that renting to the couple would conflict with his ‘sense of morality and decency,’ saying that there was no reason, even if he was also using the villa, that he should be more offended by a gay couple than by a straight one.

“While Germany is ranked fairly low among its western European counterparts for gay rights, according to EU-funded Rainbow Europe research, German law does protect individuals from discrimination due to their sexual orientation in the workplace and in access to goods and services. Same-sex marriage is not legal in Germany, though civil partnerships are, and gay couples are not granted equal rights, for example on adoption.”

The trend continues to “protect” sinful conduct of homosexual couples by violating the rights of heterosexual people. For the judge to say that there was no “substantial reason” for refusing renting to a gay couple shows the extent to which landlords are being forced to act against their convictions. It is hoped that this wrong decision will be overturned on appeal and that it will not serve as precedence for other cases… as this may force landlords to refuse renting out their place to anyone.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Next week, beginning with arrival on Thursday, April 7, 2016, we will conduct our annual Church Conference in Ramona, California. Along with updates in Sabbath services, we will publish highlights of the meetings in our April Member Letter.

“Will Europe Face a Nuclear Attack?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Will ISIS attack Europe with nuclear weapons? Will Russia? What about the USA? What is the fate of the great Western powers?  Did you know that God’s Word paints a terrible picture for their future, but it also tells us why this is. God is very ANGRY with us, and we need to realize the reasons.

“Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!”  is the title of a new special StandingWatch program. Here is a summary:

Donald Trump ignited a national and international firestorm when he said that if Congress declared abortion to be illegal, aborting women should be punished in some way. All the political candidates and major pro-life groups condemned him for his statement, and shortly thereafter, Trump walked back and said that a woman should not be punished, as she is a victim. This program shows why all these opinions are wrong, based on the Bible.

“Was demnächst in Europa und Amerika geschieht!” is this week’s new German sermon. The title in English: “What Will Happen Soon in Europe and America!”

“How Do We Love God?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

As we come up to the spring Holy Days, Satan will do everything he can to destroy us and make us doubt and lose interest in staying too close to God. Do we ever think about giving up because of what we go through? What keeps us coming back to God? What keeps us grounded? It comes down to our love for God, His commandments and our faith in His promises.

“What’s Next for America and Europe?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In these times of anxiety, war, terrorism and lack of Western leadership, we might wonder whether the Bible tells us with certainty as to what the future holds for America and Europe. Will America become great again and return to its former glory? Will the migrant crisis destroy and end the European unification? Will the UK leave the EU? Will Europe always be America’s and Israel’s friend and ally? Surprising developments for the near future paint an astonishing and deeply disturbing picture.

What is Meant in Acts 15:19-20?

Some claim that this Scripture shows us that Gentile Christians are only obligated to abstain from the four things which are specifically mentioned in that passage, and that they are otherwise free from the “Old Testament” law. Others claim that today, they don’t even have to abstain from these four things anymore.

However, Acts 15:19-20 does not teach anything of the kind. It quotes James as saying: “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.” This concept is reiterated in Acts 15:28-29.

To fully understand this passage, we must review the context. The Jerusalem Council was held because the charge had been made by some that Gentiles could not be saved unless they became “circumcised according to the custom of Moses” (Acts 15:1) and unless they kept “the law of Moses” (verse 5; compare Acts 15:24).

During the discussion, it was emphasized that God had called Gentiles to repentance irrespective of circumcision and the observance of ritual laws (verses 6-9). As mentioned, the discussion evolved strictly around the “custom of Moses” and the “law of Moses.”

The law of Moses included ALL kinds of commandments, including the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments (Romans 7:14) as well as the temporary laws of animal sacrifices, physical circumcision and ritual washings. All these laws were written in the “book of the law of Moses,” sometimes referred to as “the book of the law” or “the law of Moses” (Deuteronomy 17:18; 28:58; 29:21; 30:10; 31:26; Mark 12:26).

The decision, which was pronounced in Acts 15:19-20, did not address the Ten Commandments. It would have been a rather strange conclusion to say that Gentiles were entitled to kill someone, steal from someone, lie to and about others, commit adultery, or dishonor his or her parents. In the entire New Testament, it is emphasized time and again that true Christians must keep the Ten Commandments, and since the law of the Ten Commandments is a package (compare James 2:8-11), they are therefore obligated to keep the first four commandments as well, including the Sabbath commandment.

But, why was it specifically mentioned that the Gentiles must abstain from things polluted by idols, sexual immorality, strangled meat and blood? These four aspects can be found in the law of Moses, where they are listed in connection with religious worship at the tabernacle, including temporary rituals and animal sacrifices (Leviticus 17:7, 10).

Please note that it was commanded in the law or the book of Moses to abstain from things polluted by idols (Exodus 34:15-16; compare Psalm 106:28, 37-38); from sexual immorality (Leviticus 19:29; Deuteronomy 23:17-18); from things strangled (Leviticus 22:8); and from blood (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 3:17).

These four prohibitions were especially mentioned in Acts 15 to emphasize to the Gentiles that they were still binding on Christians, to avoid any misunderstanding. Prior to their conversion, many Gentiles would engage in those practices. They would of course sacrifice to idols; they would often times drink blood with their sacrifices or they would eat their sacrifices with the blood still in the meat (as happens when animals are strangled); or they would commit fornication with temple prostitutes in their religious services. Even though it would be made clear to the Gentiles that temporary ritual laws, animal sacrifices and circumcision were not binding on them, the apostles and elders clarified to the Gentiles that those four categories, although mentioned in the context of the sacrificial system, were still valid and in force and effect. The emphasis here was not on what had to be done, but on what was NOT to be done.

At the time of Acts 15, the temple still stood, and animal sacrifices were still being given (even though it was no longer a necessity to do so, since Christ’s death did away with the need to bring animal sacrifices, compare Hebrews 9:9-10). But since the priests would bring daily sacrifices and perform other ritual washings, until the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, it was needful to explain to the Gentiles, so that there would be no misunderstanding, as to what was clearly NOT permitted in the law of Moses in the context of the sacrificial system and religious practices.

Many say today that these four things were specifically mentioned to the Gentiles as not to offend “Jewish” sensitivities, but as more and more Gentiles became converted, it became no longer necessary to abstain from these four categories. Even though it should be obvious to converted Christians that sexual immorality will never be permitted by God, this is, sadly, not obvious today to many professing Christians.

With their liberal “live-and-let-live” attitude, they condone and justify more and more the concept of sexual immorality and fornication, including living and sleeping together without being married, while attending and participating in religious services; or functioning as practicing homosexual priests and ministers. In addition, many nominal Christians have no compunctions eating food with blood in it, or dinking blood (blood sausage is very common in many Catholic and Protestant countries). Finally, they may enjoy eating food sacrificed to idols (including Easter or Christmas cakes, compare Jeremiah 7:18).

Even though Paul made clear that true Christians can eat food which has been sacrificed to idols, as long as they do not approve of the sacrificial idolatrous practice, they should not do so when the conscience of others becomes defiled (1 Corinthians 8:4-13; 10:25-33). Still, it is clearly wrong to eat food which is sacrificed to or “polluted” by idols in the context of religious practices [For instance, one participates in a wrong kind of “communion” (compare 1 Corinthians 10:14-22), or one partakes of an Easter or Christmas meal as part of Easter or Christmas celebrations, which are polluted by pagan sun and moon gods and goddesses].

Note what the New Testament has to say about these kinds of wrong practices, mentioned in Acts 15:19-20, which are still clearly prohibited for Christians today.

Regarding “sexual immorality,” Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:18: “Flee sexual immorality. Every SIN that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” Compare also 1 Thessalonians 4:3.

In a prophecy for the end time, God condemns those who are eating, drinking or sacrificing the blood of animals, as well as those who are eating unclean animals.

We read in Isaiah 66:3 (Living Bible): “But those who choose their own ways, delighting in their sins, are cursed. God will not accept their offerings. When such men sacrifice an ox on the altar of God, it is no more acceptable to him than human sacrifice. If they sacrifice a lamb, or bring an offering of grain, it is as loathsome to God as putting a dog or the blood of a swine on his altar! When they burn incense to him, he counts it the same as though they blessed an idol. I will send great troubles upon them—all the things they feared…”

In addition, we read in Isaiah 65:2-6: “I have stretched out my hands all day long to a rebellious people, Who walk in a way that is not good According to their own thoughts; A people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face; who sacrifice in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; who sit among the graves, And spend the night in the tombs; who eat swine’s flesh And the broth of abominable things [Margin: unclean meats] in their vessels; who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am holier than you!’ These are smoke in My nostrils, A fire that burns all the day. Behold, it is written before Me: ‘I will not keep silence, but will repay—Even repay into their bosom…’”

The Living Bible renders verse 4 as follows: “All night they go out among the graves and caves to worship evil spirits, and they eat pork and other forbidden foods.”

Finally, in a message to the church in Pergamos, we read this dire warning: “But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam… to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality… Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth (Revelation 2:14, 16).

It is clear that all Christians must still abstain today from the four categories mentioned in Acts 15:19-20, but it is also clear that these are not the ONLY four things which they must avoid doing. Those who believe the contrary are condemned with the strongest terms in the book of Revelation.

“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire, which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).


“But outside [the new Jerusalem] are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Revelation 22:15).

We must avoid doing what God condemns, by following the deceitful doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1-2). Rather, we need to listen to Christ who tells us: “If you want to enter into [eternal] life, keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17; compare also 1 Corinthians 7:19).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

In The Church of God

The Church of God transcends the lifetimes of those called into it. Since the very beginning, God has chosen people for membership in what the Bible identifies as the “body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 4:12).

Have you ever stopped to think about all those who will be among the firstborn in the Kingdom of God—with whom we now stand (compare Hebrews 11:39-40)?

When we consider those who are our brethren, we tend to think in terms of those who are alive within our immediate fellowship. Yet, we are among generations of faithful men and women who form the Church of God.

Being in the Church of God has great implications for us, for we have been imbued with the Holy Spirit of God, and that makes us part of the Family of God:

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of [sonship] by [which] we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit [itself] bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs–heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” (Romans 8:14-17).

If we can truly understand the significance of our calling, then our service to God becomes even more imperative!

We might think, “What can we do?” Can a relatively small group of Christians really accomplish anything meaningful in the work God has commissioned? The fact is that the Church of God has always been small (Luke 12:32), persecuted (John 15:20; 16:33) and challenged to keep the faith (Jude 1:3). In spite of that, throughout the centuries, true brethren have continued to serve God—to stay in the Church of God and not fall away!

What we must understand and never lose sight of is that Jesus Christ is the living Head of His Church—the Church of God! He knows each one of us. He continues to guide us, if we continue to submit to His lead.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God