Is God Punishing the USA?

For years, we have announced that the USA will fall, and more recently, that this fall is imminent. Now, a remarkable new article in the Jerusalem Post is contemplating the same development, while raising the question about whether God may have something to do with it. In this program, we discuss this possibility in more detail.

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Brace Yourselves – The End is Near

The Bible is very clear stating that NO ONE knows the exact date of the return of Christ and the end of the world, yet there are many who try to predict exactly when that will be, to no avail.  The Bible, however, does say that we need to WATCH what is going on in the world and BE READY for Christ’s return, pointing out in several scriptures what we can expect to happen in the near future.  What does the Bible prophecy for this nation and the rest of the world? What is the TRUE way to peace?  What does God think about war and fighting? Who is the god of this world? What are the significant warnings that we MUST heed to if we want to be protected from the tumultuous events that are sure to take place in the not too distant future, based on Biblical prophecy?

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WHY Unprecedented Hurricanes and Wildfires?

Hurricane Harvey—a Category 4 Storm! Hurricane Irma—a Category 5 Storm and the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane in recorded history… Largest wildfire in LA history… Wildfires in the U.S. West have burned 50 percent more than during the same period in 2016! WHY? Can all of these “natural disasters” be explained by mere coincidence? Or are spiritual reasons involved?

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