This Week in the News

The G-20 summit turned out to be a terrible embarrassment for President Obama and the USA. National and international reports agree that America failed in an unprecedented way–and that America’s influence in the world is shrinking. Fears of a trade war are felt–but we are also reminded that fears of a nuclear war are as real; and the incredible tragedy is that such a war could be caused by human or technical error.

Mysterious occurrences over California, reminiscent of a missile, coupled with the steadfast flimsy denial of the US government of possessing any knowledge, and the strange crippling of a US based cruise ship, are fuelling these fears.

While Russia is pursuing its national interests, by seeking alliances with the USA, Europe and China, and while France is moving to the right, President Bush’s selective memoirs continue to alienate Europe and the USA. The situation in Iraq and in the Middle East in general is as volatile as ever, with Iran trying to establish itself as the master over Syria and other nations.

Europe is facing another crisis, but we can safely say that the euro is here to stay. However, we also know that in the not-too-distant future, a core Europe of ten nations or groups of nations will emerge. This may very well happen because of internal strife and external threats.

We conclude with articles about superstitions within the Greek Orthodox Church; current and past turmoil within the Catholic Church, which shed interesting light on pertinent biblical prophecies; as well as a new locust plague in Australia.

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