This Week in the News

We begin with a remarkable article in the British paper, Mail On Line, about Hitler’s Christmas observance, identifying it accurately as the pagan celebration of the “winter solstice,” and we conclude with a funny, but telling cartoon on the origins of Christmas, which was circulated on the Internet this week, as well as an eye-opening article on New Year’s celebrations.

An interesting article warns against the consumption of pork, and several reports deal with the West’s gradual unconditional acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. While a popular evangelist chastises the U.S. army, even liberals begin to wonder why President Obama refuses to publish his birth certificate.

In the light of our unprecedented weather conditions, we publish an article which wonders whether we are observing global warming or the beginning of a mini ice age.

We also learn that 2010 was the worst year for US Bank failures since 1992.

Focusing on the violent history and present developments in Asia, we also report on the current scandalous conduct of totalitarian Russia and the timid, meaningless and inconsequential objections from the West.

While peace in the Middle East is becoming more and more elusive, an insightful article in Deutsche Welle shows how post-war Germany is being drawn into militaristic activities, and that even against the present will of the majority of the people.

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