Old Testament Laws — Still Valid Today?

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Foreward—Why This Booklet Was Written

Do the Old Testament laws apply to us today? How can we determine if they do, and to what extent? The answers to these questions require careful consideration of the Scriptures in order to fully appreciate why God gave these laws in the first place and what, if anything, they mean for us today.

When Jesus Christ came to this earth as a human being, He revealed the spiritual intent of God’s timeless Law; however, His death clearly abolished the literal application of certain temporary ritual provisions of Old Testament regulations. So then, those who correctly understand that Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the entirety of God’s “LAW,” must still determine WHICH portions of the LAW are spiritual and therefore still valid for us today.

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Hidden Secrets in the Bible

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Based on the title of this booklet, if you are expecting to read about secret “Bible codes” or obscure “biblical” messages, you might be disappointed. Instead, we are going to lay out some interesting hidden secrets in the pages of the Holy Scriptures which might otherwise escape the casual reader.

In Part 1 of this booklet, we will show you the beauty of Old Testament poetry and how it lends a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.

In Part 2, we will explain the often overlooked significance of certain biblical numbers, while also clearing up some misunderstandings in this regard.

In Part 3, we will discuss a hidden message in the book of Psalms. Rather than viewing this book as a collection of unrelated passages, you will see a story flow that reveals God’s plan of salvation.

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The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire

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Dramatic events are occurring in Europe that will have tremendous consequences for the entire world! In spite of this, many are blind to the significance of what is happening before their very eyes! They fail to see how to connect the dots and make sense of it all.

The key to correctly understanding the impact of current events lies in viewing the present and the future through the lens of the past. Only when we open the pages of history can we truly grasp the dimensions of the prophesied end-time scenario as it crescendos globally out of proportion and out of mankind’s control.

This booklet will help guide you through the maze of wrong prophetic speculations and false interpretations and viewpoints, and will help you see the truth as it is revealed in the Bible, and as substantiated by history itself. 

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Biblical Prophecy — From Now Until Forever

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What does the Bible tell us about our future? What will happen from now until the time of Christ’s Return—and far beyond that?

What person on earth would not want to know?

The surprising answer is that God revealed thousands of years ago, in the pages of the Bible, what is going to happen, beginning very soon. While some aspects of His master plan are a little vague, others are presented with astounding precision and detail.

We present in this booklet a timeline of prophecy, beginning with events that are already unfolding, as well as events that are yet to occur.

We encourage you to look up the scriptural references as you read this booklet, so as to enrich your understanding of world events from a biblical perspective. 

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Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy

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The Bible speaks of many modern countries in prophetic terms, using, of course, ancient names for our peoples today. In order to understand biblical prophecies, one must understand the biblical identity of today’s nations and countries.

For instance, Jacob or Israel, had 12 sons, the descendants of whom are alive today. The ancient tribe of Manasseh, a son of Joseph and grandson of Jacob, is predominantly the United States of America. Ephraim, another son of Joseph and grandson of Jacob, basically constitutes the English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly known as the British Commonwealth). This includes modern countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the British Isles, as well as part of South Africa.

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Germany in Prophecy

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The Mysterious Origin of German-Speaking Peoples and Their Prophetic Destiny

The following material reveals from a biblical viewpoint the gravity and highly significant importance of German-speaking peoples and their role in the not-too-distant future. This booklet will show Germany’s history and prophetic destiny and how it will impact Europe and the Middle East, including Jerusalem, as well as the USA and Great Britain.

Some scientists, writers and theologians say that many of the German peoples descended from the ancient Assyrians. Generally, this idea is rejected as absurd. However, historical annals, as well as myths and legends, show that the Assyrian tribes are, indeed, the ancestors of modern German-speaking peoples. Certainly, this finding has far-reaching consequences, as we will cover herein. The Bible has much to say about the origin and the immediate future of the Assyrians.

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Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians — How to Understand It

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Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is one of the most comprehensive letters written by Paul to explain to us the nature of God and God’s great plan and purpose for His creation, especially the future of mankind. Sadly, it has been greatly misunderstood by almost everyone who reads it.

Although the exact date the letter was written is somewhat unknown, it is widely believed that Paul wrote the letter around 60 A.D., while he was imprisoned in Rome (compare Acts 28).

Paul was undoubtedly concerned about the Ephesians and he tried to give them encouragement and hope. At the time of Paul’s writings, Ephesus was the commercial metropolis of Asia. It was known for the Temple of Diana—one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world. Paul had resided in Ephesus for two years, until the worshippers of Diana stirred up a violent riot against him. Before being incarcerated in Rome, Paul returned to the area for a final visit to warn the elders of deception (Acts 20:17–38).

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians — How to Understand It

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Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians while he was in prison (Philippians 1:13). Most scholars conclude that his imprisonment was in Rome, where he stayed for two years (Acts 28:30), and that the letter was written shortly before his release. In support of this conclusion, we read a reference to the Praetorium, which was in Rome (compare again Philippians 1:13), as well as the Emperor’s household (also in Rome, Philippians 4:22), and we also read that Paul was expecting an immediate decision in his case (Philippians 1:19; 2:24), which could only be rendered in Rome.

This means that the letter was written between A.D. 60–64, which was approximately 10 years after Paul founded the Church in Philippi on his second missionary journey (Acts 16:12–40).

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The Authority of the Bible

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The Bible seems to be a book that very few people really understand. Many do not even care to grasp the teachings of God’s Word, let alone acknowledge that it is God’s instruction to us. Many who claim to understand, have differing ideas and opinions about what it means. Why is this? How can we be sure that the Bible IS God’s Word, and that it speaks to us with divine authority?

Considering the history of the Bible, how can we know which books and passages belong in the inspired text and which do not? And who had the authority to make this kind of decision? How can we ascertain whether or not the translations from the original Hebrew and Greek texts are reliable? How can we even know whether the original texts have been faithfully preserved?

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Paul’s Letter to the Galatians – How To Understand It

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Our focus in this booklet is on Paul’s letter to the Galatians, which is perhaps one of the most misunderstood writings in the Bible. We have presented this subject in the style of an in-depth Bible study, which we think students of the Bible will find very interesting and revealing.

Before starting our study of Galatians, though, we will briefly address the equally misunderstood concepts of salvation, justification and righteousness. The correct understanding of these foundational concepts is vital in order to fully comprehend and appreciate Paul’s letter to the Galatians.

Rather than introducing each section with a definition of the biblical terms, “salvation,” “justification” and “righteousness,” we are presenting these concepts in such a way that their true meaning will ultimately emerge.

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