Can Mr. Obama Deliver and Save Us?

The world reacted with great euphoria and optimism to Barack Obama’s “historic election” as the 44th President of the USA. International governmental leaders and reporters expressed hope for “change” and the “dawn of a new era.” But can Mr. Obama fulfill his promises in light of unparalleled “seismic challenges”? Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, terrorism, climate change, Afghanistan, Iran, healthcare, unemployment, financial recession and depression are just some of the issues to be addressed. Is our hope and trust in a human leader totally misplaced?

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No Way Out of Worldwide Financial Crisis?

Even though governments try to deal with the worldwide recession and looming depression, it seems to get worse by the day. Now we are told that we should not expect any relief for several years–if at all. The USA and Britain seem to be the leading casualties in the crisis, which has been called by financial experts as a “once-in-a century credit tsunami” and “the worst financial crisis in human history.” Bail-out plans and guarantees are not even meant to provide lasting solutions. Why is that? What brought us into this unparalleled mess? And are there really NO solutions at all?

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A New World

God created man to preserve the earth. Overall, man has done a terrible job in destroying and polluting the environment. The Bible predicts that it will get much worse. Because of man’s lack of right knowledge, the “beasts of the field and the birds of the air” and “even the fish of the sea will be taken away.” And still, man’s ultimate potential to beautify the earth will be fulfilled–in a few years from now. Learn how, in this program.

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Comfort in Terminal Sickness

In this special on-location program, we are interviewing two people who are suffering from terminal sickness. You will be moved by their candid statements and expressions of faith in God–knowing that they are beyond medical help. If you are suffering from a serious sickness–or know someone who does–you NEED to watch this program.

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Why Christians Keep “Jewish” Feasts

Annually, tens of thousands of Christians in all the world observe a little-known festival for over a week, called in the Bible the “Feast of Tabernacles.” Most outside the Jewish community have never heard of this Feast, but the Bible shows that within a few years from now, EVERYONE will observe it. Please join us in this special on-location program, which was taped in England during the festival, and listen to a Christian pastor explaining the biblical meaning of that little-understood Feast.

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After the Great Crash of 2008

Note these comments in the American and European press: “Almost Financial Armageddon”; “Economic Pearl Harbor”; “Apocalypse–Now?”; “U.S. System Is Collapsing”; “US will lose its status as the Superpower”; “Attack on America from within”; and “American capitalism has created its own suicide bomber.” WHY are we in such deep financial trouble? And let us not naively assume that our current or future political leaders will rescue us and bring us back to financial prosperity!

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Why Federal Bailouts Won’t Help!

We are in a “once-in-a century” financial crisis, approaching rapidly a depression, with no end in sight. The federal government keeps bailing out broken banks and insurance institutions, but it must borrow money to do so. While our national debt is already in excess of 9 TRILLION Dollars, the newest bail-out plan may cost taxpayers another 1 Trillion Dollars. These man-made “solutions” will cost us dearly in the long run. What is being overlooked in all of these idle attempts to cure our financial problems? Why are we facing them in the first place?

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Soon to Come — GLOBAL Depression?

The media and the press warn more and more of a looming worldwide recession and even depression. They point out alarming parallels with the 1930s. But how bad is it REALLY? Listen to up-to-date developments and the underlying facts, and UNDERSTAND from history what IS going to happen soon.

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Should Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy Concern You?

What is missing in the news media’s reporting on Bristol Palin’s pregnancy? Much debate revolves around the pro’s and con’s of abortion, the proper use of contraceptives, or even the question of statutory rape in Alaska. The undesired social phenomenon of unwanted teenage pregnancies has also been mentioned. But reference to the most important aspect has been overlooked or neglected.

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Is Global World War III Coming?

As the world again approaches depression, and as we look at our current trouble spots, involving Russia and Georgia; Iraq; Israel and Iran; Afghanistan; and Pakistan; we are seeing “alarming parallels with the 1930s,” according to an article in The Times, dated August 24, 2008. It continued that wars are the result of “weak, shortsighted leaders entrapped by a series of mistakes.” It concluded that “for the West’s leaders at present, mistake has become second nature.” Is therefore World War 3 inevitable?

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