“Holy Father” and “Holy Mass”–But What Does the Bible Say? — StandingWatch #165

While visiting the USA, Pope Benedict XVI has been referred to repeatedly as the “Holy Father” or “Your Holiness.” But are these spiritual titles appropriate, according to Jesus’ words, as recorded in the Bible? Also, what do the Holy Scriptures say about the “Holy Mass,” the “Eucharist” or the “Communion”? Did Jesus command His disciples to partake of the bread and wine at any time of their choice? And did He teach that these symbols change into His literal body and blood? The Biblical answers might SHOCK you.

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Coming–The Great Depression? — StandingWatch #164

Most Americans are worried about the economy. Many financial analysts and commentators around the world have similar fears. What can YOU do in these times of recession and potential depression? How can you avoid going into debt, and how can you become debt-free? Does God, in His Word, the Bible, show you what you must do?

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Where Do Evil and Strife Come From? — StandingWatch #163

Why is it so difficult for man to live in peace with his neighbor? Why is there so much violence and war in the world? Did God create man with an evil human nature? Are we incapable of doing good and overcoming evil? The Bible gives us answers to all of these questions, but are we willing to believe God and do what He says?

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Is Homeschooling For You? — StandingWatch #162

In California, a legal battle has begun, due to a decision by the Court of Appeals, holding that parents who are not credentialed to teach, do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children. The Governor and others have declared that they will flight this decision or change the laws. But what about homeschooling? What are some of the potential pitfalls to be aware of? On the other hand, what is your responsibility as parents when you send your children to private or public schools? You need to know the answers to these all-important questions.

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New Seven Mortal Sins — StandingWatch #161

The British Telegraph reported on the Vatican’s announcement that there are seven new mortal or deadly sins–one of which is to pollute the earth. The statement continued that if the faithful don’t confess these sins to their priest and obtain forgiveness, they will be tortured in hell for all eternity. But is this what the Bible teaches? Are there mortal and not-so-mortal sins; is forgiveness obtained through confession to a priest; and is an ever-burning hellfire the fate of unrepentant sinners? The answers from God’s Holy Scriptures might surprise and shock you.

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Was Moses on Drugs? — StandingWatch #160

According to the widely publicized “findings” of a professor at the Hebrew University, Moses was under the influence of drugs when he saw the burning bush. And so were he and all the Israelites when the Ten Commandments were pronounced from Mount Sinai. Could this be true? Why is it important that we understand? What connection, if any, is there anyhow between the Old and the New Testament? Can we be followers of the true God of the Bible without believing all of the Holy Scriptures, as written both in the Old and the New Testament?

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What’s Wrong With Our Presidential Elections? — StandingWatch #159

Millions of dollars are being spent to support a candidate who is “uniquely qualified” to become the next U.S. President, while other candidates are not–so we are told. What is being missed in all this hype of Presidential election campaigns and debates? What is going on in the world, while Americans are glued to their TV sets to absorb every last bit of information evolving around the Presidential elections? Most importantly, how does God feel about all of this?

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Is Christ Man’s Only Savior? — StandingWatch #158

Recently, the archbishop of Canterbury claimed that Muslims can go to heaven when they die. Jewish organizations became upset with the Catholic Church when it included in a prayer a plea to God to bring Jews to Jesus Christ. Many nominal confessing Christians don’t believe everything that the Bible says about Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and they are unsure as to how man can be saved. But if it is true that there is no salvation in any other, and that no one can come to God the Father except through Christ, as Christ Himself claimed, what is going to happen to those who died without having accepted Christ in their lives? Are they condemned and lost?

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Will Your Soul Go to Heaven? — StandingWatch #157

A famous bishop of the Church of England, N.T. “Tom” Wright, just published a book, claiming that Christians do not go to heaven when they die. Martin Luther and other Protestant Reformers, including English Bible translator and martyr William Tyndale, held the same view. They also questioned the concept of an immortal soul, which Wright upholds. Traditional Christianity believes in both; that is, that immortal souls of Christians will ascend to heaven after death. Who is right, according to the Bible?

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Right or Wrong–God Decides! — StandingWatch #156

The human mind does not know what is Christian conduct. The Bible allows what humans reject, or it prohibits what humans approve. Examples include: relating unflattering facts about people who have died; spanking and disciplining our children; marriage and divorce; abortion; and scientific advancements of cloning or “creating” embryos. Do you know God’s viewpoint on those matters?

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